Raymond J. Lawrence

RAYMOND J. LAWRENCE is an Episcopal cleric, recently retired Director of Pastoral Care, New York Presbyterian Hospital, and author of numerous opinion pieces in newspapers in the U.S., and author of the recently published, Sexual Liberation: The Scandal of Christendom (Praeger). He can be reached at: raymondlawrence@mac.com

The Assault on Richard Dare

Kidnapping, Torture and the Red Sox

Boehner’s Ominous Beginning

The Brave New World of Sexual Addiction

Tiger’s Fix

Sexual Hocus Pocus in the Episcopal Church

Michael Jackson as Sexual Pervert

A Country Awash in Money But Going Broke

Sarah Palin and the Rapture

Pain Pays

Bush’s Troubling Non-Verbal Communication

Let’s Take Christ Out of Christmas

Bush’s Worrisome Use of Religion