Wajahat Ali

Wajahat Ali is a poet, playwright and essayist living in the Bay Area. His widely acclaimed work, The Domestic Crusaders, the first major play about Muslim-Americans was produced by Ishmael Reed. He can be reached at: wajahatmali@gmail.com

Pakistan’s New Daughter of Destiny?

The Dark Knight

Fisk Fighting

Finding Osama Bin Laden

Zinn Speaks

Revenge of the Ghetto Nerd

Alien Invasion!

The Folly of Attacking Iran

First of the Mohicans

Pakistan on Fire

Disrobing the Nine

Faking the Hood

Mumbo Jumbo

Who Speaks for a Billion Muslims?

Pakistan for Sale

The Omissions of the Commission

Free Pakistan

Attack of the Info-tainment Circus

Pakistan is Burning

The Power of the Israel Lobby

Hillary, Obama and the Clash of Civilizations

Going 15 Rounds with Seymour Hersh

After Bhutto: a Nuclear Pakistan?

A Pakistani Requiem

The Volatile Mistress

On Islamo-Fascism and Other Vacuous Epithets

Privatizing Terror, Outsourcing Diplomacy

The Good, the Bad and the Iraqi