Brian Terrell

Brian Terrell is an Iowa based peace activist. He can be reached at:

The Language of the Unheard: Personal Reflections on the Genocide in Gaza

“Home of the “Hellhounds:” Whiteman AFB Drone Squadron ‘Most Lethal’ in US

An Unspeakable Crime

“Let Them Kill as Many as Possible”: United States Policy Toward Russia and its Neighbors

Digging for Peace: Resisting Nuclear Weapons

Resisting Nuclear Weapons in a Climate Crisis

“If There Are Enough Shovels to Go Around:” Surviving the Nuclear Threat

“Roof Knocking” in Gaza and the Myth of the Benevolent Drone

Biden’s Drone Wars

Ending the Other War in Yemen

COVID-19 and the Wasting Disease of Normalcy

A Doubtful Proposition: a Reflection on the Trial of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7

The United States Air Force at Incirlik, Our National “Black Eye”

Ending the War in Yemen- Congressional Resolution is Not Enough!

Catholic Support for War: Another Child Abuse Scandal

Two Interrogations, Gina Haspel and Adolf Eichmann

Solidarity from Central Cellblock to Guantanamo

A Story of Two Blockades: New York City and Yemen

“We are Killing Terrorists” and “Attack We Will”- Trump’s Most Vicious Racist Rant

Peter Maurin’s Vision for the Catholic Worker, an Idea Whose Time has Come

What Makes a Hate Group?

My Visit to a Las Vegas Jail

Life Under Helicopters: Dispatch From Kabul

Taking Responsibility for Drone Killings

Building a Future in the Nevada Desert

How the U.S. Department of Justice Makes Murder Respectable, Kills the Innocent and Jails their Defenders

Turning Iowa Into a War Zone

Drones and Gadflies

How Not to Think About Drones

Drones, Sanctions and the Prison Industrial Complex

Punishing Free Speech, Letting Murder Off the Hook

The Drone and the Cross

NATO / G8 in Chicago

War of the Killer Robots