Monika Zgustova

Monika Zgustova is a writer. Her most recent book is Dressed for a Dance in the Snow: Women’s Voices from the Gulag. (Other Press 2020)

Kundera and the Nobel Prize

Tell Me Who You Hang Out With, Vladimir Putin

Meeting Milan Kundera, a Writer Who Preferred Freedom to His to Roots

Putin and Prigozhin, Two Diminished Men

The Kidnapping of Europe According to Kundera

The Unbearable Persistence of Stalin

The Velvet Divorce of the Czech Republic and Slovakia

If a Russian Fighter had a Conversation with the Soldier Švejk

Historical Memory at a Christmas Market in Berlin

Eduardo Arroyo With James Joyce in New York

Should Europe Close Its Borders to Russian Citizens?

Russian Exiles

The Ukrainian Childhood of Writer Irène Némirovsky

Putin’s Expansionist Dream

The Teenager Who Knocked on the KGB’s Door

The Woman Who Lost Her Fear

The Pope, Children and Furry Companions

Bells Tolling for Russian Memory

Luxury, Propaganda and Books in the Middle East

Central Europe, From Postcommunism to Democracy?

Exile, Then and Now: From the Iron Curtain to the Afghan Diaspora

The Black Butterflies of Forgetting: On the Destruction of Memory

The Robot Was Born a Hundred Years Ago

The Loss of Fear: Russian Dissidents From Dostoevsky to Navalny

A Museum Dedicated to Stalin: An Example of How to Deal With Historical Memory

Trump’s European Orphans

Prague’s Fights Over Kundera: Biography From the Files of the Secret Police

In Lockdown With Edward Hopper’s Prophetic Paintings

Chernobyl, Lies and Messianism in Russia

Russia and the Manipulation of the Past

The Masculinity of the Future

The Consequences of the Prague Spring

A Stroll Through the Ruins of the Austro-Hungarian Empire