Manuel García, Jr.

Manuel Garcia Jr, once a physicist, is now a lazy househusband who writes out his analyses of physical or societal problems or interactions. He can be reached at

The Melting of the Fortress of Solitude

What’s Wrong With The United States?

Hail Ilhan Omar, Avatar of Truth!

Two Worlds

Facing Greta’s Climate Challenge

A Formula for U.S. Election Outcomes

Climate Change Action Would Kill Imperialism

The Inner Dimensions of Socialist Revolution

The Changing American Population, 1610-2010

Some Dimensions of Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence, 9-11 Climate Change Terrorism

The Ultimate Great American Novel

Publicly Subsidized Climate Change Insurance for Big Oil

Climate Change Bites Big Business

Guesstimating Our Own Götterdämmerung

You Can’t Sue Fossil Fuel Industry Over Climate Change

How Will the Inequality Balloon Bust?

American Deathwish

Your Genetic Presence Through Time

Societal Death or Transfiguration? Cinema Visions of Humanity Facing Extinction

Kill For Peace, Bomb For Justice, Behead For Nookie

An Oceanic Problem: the Atlantic Overturning Current is Slowing

Zionism’s Palestinian Problem…and Ours

Why I Am a Leftist (Vietnam War)

Why Did Russia Vote For Trump?

The Anthropocene’s Birthday, or the Birth-Year of Human-Accelerated Climate Change

Why Vote for Hillary?

Godzilla Breath Flames Naked Crooks (Campaign 2016)

Hillary’s Emails: Convenient Privileges vs Classified Trust

The Cult of Hillary, the Ultimate Junk Bond

Fire in the Hole: Bernie and the Cracks in the Neo-Liberal Lid

Bernie Versus the Con Job

Between Slavery and Socialism in America Today

Populist Dimorphism: Trump and Sanders

The Trump Surge and the American Psyche

The Red Badge of Bigotry

Lou Reed: a Flash in the Dark

The Fossil Fuel Paradigm

Sarin in Syria

The Pathology of the Processed Food Industry

Inside the Latest Climate Report

The Hottest Year Keeps Getting Hotter

Climate Change Mental Inertia

Petraeus’ Political Seppuku

Rotten Ronnie

Drilling the Arctic, Obama-Style

Looking Beyond the Dazzle of Plutocracy

Meddling in Libya

The Nationals and Their Anthems

American Decline