Louisa Willcox

Louisa Willcox is a longtime grizzly bear activist and founder of Grizzly Times. She lives in Montana.

Warriors for Whitebark Pine: Fighting for an Imperiled Forest

Saving the Grizzlies of Jackson Hole

Playing Russian Roulette with Grizzly Matron 399 and the Bears of Yellowstone

60 Minutes’ Toothy Porn

Charlie Russell, Grizzly Whisperer

Grizzly Miracle: Grand Teton’s 399 Emerges with Quadruplets

Grizzly Deaths: Time to Admit to Yellowstone’s Killing Crisis

“What Are We Fighting About?” 9th Circuit Hears Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Delisting Case

The Grizzly Cost of Coexistence: Funding the Great Bear’s Future

The Grizzly Cost of Coexistence

Inviting the Chief of the Grizzlies to Our Feast

Exorcizing Wendigo to Save Grizzlies, Ourselves

Grizzly Secrets: How the Trump Administration Keeps the Public in the Dark About Yellowstone’s Bears

Endangering the Ark

Wild Thoughts About the Wild Gallatin

Revamping Grizzly Bear Recovery

Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic and the Need for a New Approach to Managing Wildlife

Of Estella Leopold and a “Fierce Green Fire” for the Earth

A Tale of Two Carnivores: African Lions and Grizzly Bears

Action Jackson: Of Poachers, Grizzlies and Coexistence

Kill That Bear: Anti-Grizzly Fever Hits Wyoming Again

Sky Bears, Earth Bears: Finding and Losing True North

Do Sleeping Bears Hold Secrets for Human Health?

Bear Dreaming: Of Wonder in Winter

Manifest Destiny and the Land Ethic: On Aldo Leopold, Escudilla and the Big White Bear

Saving Romania’s Brown Bears, Sharing Lessons About Coxistence, Conservation

Grizzly Victory: Trophy Hunt Stopped, But Bear Deaths Skyrocket

The Grizzly’s Day in Court

Gunning Down Yellowstone Grizzlies

My Friend Margot Kidder: Sharing a Love of Dogs, the Wild, and Speaking Truth to Power

New Information on 2017 Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Deaths Should Nix Trophy Hunting in Core Habitat

The Fate of Bear 399 (and Other Grizzly Matriarchs)

Tribes Stand Their Ground for Grizzly Bears — and Us

Wyoming Thugs Greenlight Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunts

Keeper of the Flame for Wilderness: Stewart “Brandy” Brandborg

Rising Grizzly Bear Deaths Raise Red Flag About Delisting

Obesity in Bears: Vital and Beautiful

Tribes Reject Yellowstone Park Names Honoring War Criminal and White Supremacist

The Future of the Cabinet-Yaak Grizzlies

Ted and Joan Major: Last of a Generation of Conservation Giants in Jackson Hole

Senators Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Tom Udall Back Tribes in Grizzly Fight

Fighting for the Wild and the Human Spirit

Grizzlies Symbolize Transformation, and Challenge Us to Transform Governance

Grizzlies Under the Endangered Species Act: How Have They Fared?

Restoring Grizzlies to the North Cascades: Their Time Has Come

The Last Stand for Yellowstone’s Bison

The Endangered Species Act: a Critical Safety Net Now Threatened by Congress and Trump

Trash Talk: Cooke City Cleans Up Garbage, Saves Bears

Will This be the Deadliest Year Ever for Yellowstone’s Grizzlies?

Tribal Grizzly Bear Treaty Redefines Recovery of the Great Bear