Lawrence Davidson

Lawrence Davidson is a retired professor of history at West Chester University in West Chester, PA.

What the Attack on Marc Lamont Hill Tells Us

Just How Corrupt is the American Soul?

A Tale of Two Massacres

The Climate Crisis is Back in the News

Israel’s “Psychological Obstacles to Peace”

Enemy of Our Future

Political Fragmentation on the Homefront

Playing at Death and Mayhem 

Julian Assange and the Fate of Journalism

Food Theft as a Form of Cultural Genocide

The Faulty Logic Behind the Attacks on BDS

Reality Remake

America’s Moral Angst

The Republican Party Falls Apart, the Democrats Get Stuck

The US is at War With Itself

In Our Age of State Crimes

A Good Match: Donald Trump and Erik Prince

Missiles Over Damascus

The Saudi-Israeli Liaison

Freedom’s Perversities

Vietnam’s Lessons and the U.S. Culture of Violence

Contextualizing Sexual Harassment

Seven Forbidden Words: On the Uses of Censorship

Doing International Business With Criminals

Trump, Jerusalem and International Law

The Inevitable Apartheid Nation: Where is Zionism Taking Us?

The De-Civilization of America

A System Problem for Democracy

A State for the Kurds?

War Culture – Gun Culture: They’re Related

Trump’s Defining Moments

Education and Ideology

BDS, Human Rights and Jewish Morality

A Culture War Against Tolerance

Walls For the Dead

On Hidden Cultural Corruptors

Reality and Its Enemies

Trump’s Behavioral Legacy

Politicizing Anti-Semitism 

The Dilemma for Intelligence Agencies

Moral Failure at the UN

One Hundred Years of the Balfour Decision

Trump and the Anti-Semites

Truth vs. Trump

Dysfunction in the White House

The Ironies of Immigrant Bashing

Is There a Future for the Democratic Party?

Running From the Law, Netanyahu-Style

True Believers and the U.S. Election

There is Nothing Unusual About Ignorance