Phillip Doe

PHILLIP DOE lives in Colorado. Doe is a co-sponsor of a public trust initiative that would turn the tables on the permitting process by making those seeking to use public resources, air, land, and water, to first demonstrate that the proposed use would not irreparably harm those resources–the reverse of the present permitting process. He can be reached

Every Day’s a Holiday for the Oil Business in Colorado

Big Oil in the Rocky Mountain State: the Overwhelming Tawdriness of Government in Colorado

On the Fracking Front

Ayn Rand’s Worst Nightmare

Colorado’s Fracking Wars Reignite

Another Crazy Day in the Colorado Fracking Wars

Gassing the American People

Fracking Diaries

Lies, Damned Lies and Fracking Lies

The Sound of the Sixth Shoe Falling

Colorado’s 30 Percent "Solution" for Fracking Pollution

The Park Killers

Sugar Daddies of the Tea Party

Scapegoating Birnbaum, Saving Salazar

Stealing Rivers in Colorado

Corporate Tourism in Colorado

Public Virtue and Private Vice Under the Dome

The Man in the Hat

FISA and the Decline of America