L. Michael Hager

L. Michael Hager is cofounder and former Director General, International Development Law Organization, Rome.

Words Matter, Especially in Gaza

Three Declarations of Genocide and the U.S. Responses

The Democratic War Party and Its Loss of Legitimacy

Bibi’s Game Plan

Some Whys? An Open Letter to President Biden

The Starving of Gaza

Biden’s Mixed Legacy and a Chance for Change

Honoring Netanyahu; Dishonoring America

The Gaza Genocide: Who’s Complicit?

Complicity in Genocide

Some Reflections on the Campus Protests

False Equivalency and Lack of Proportionality in the Gaza War

Letters the NYT Wouldn’t Print

Ukraine Narratives

Too Little; Too Late

Feckless and Complicit: Biden and the Gaza Genocide

What’s Next for Gazans?

Genocide in My Living Room 

Fantasy, Illusion and Reality in Two Wars 

War Crimes and Genocide: Legal Accountability

And Still, Ukraine

Fueling the Middle East Fire 

No Longer a Democrat 

Diplomacy, Not Weapons, Will End the War 

Let’s Avoid a WW III 

The Politics of Good Vs. Evil 

Evaluating the Democratic Candidates: the Importance of Integrity

What Netanyahu’s Travel Ban Has Revealed

Stop Weaponizing “Anti-Semitism” and “Racism”

Trump’s “America Incorporated”

Immigration and Racial Abuses: Time for Faith Communities to Act

Acts and Omissions: The NYT’s Flawed Coverage of the Gaza Protest

Is Massachusetts Turning Red?

Guns, Corruption and PACs: Three Terrible Supreme Court Decisions

A Devils’ Alliance: the U.S./Israel Obstacle to Peace

Profiteering in War: the Case Against Mercenaries  

Three Steps to Restore Our Democracy

Trump’s Immigration Policy: a New “Fugitive Slave Act?”

Tainted Gifts: Time to Enforce Ethics Laws

Conflict of Interest and the Israel Lobby: a Junket for State Senators

Where’s the Rule of Law in Our War on ISIS?

Does Netanyahu Really Deserve a “Reward?” An Open Letter to President Obama

The Battle Over BDS

After the Fourth: Some Reflections on the State of the USA

Dual Citizens in Congress?

Dual Citizens in Congress?