Howard Lisnoff

Howard Lisnoff is a freelance writer. He is the author of Against the Wall: Memoir of a Vietnam-Era War Resister (2017).

Try to Get Published; Try to Be Heard

A Student Murdered in Cold Blood and a Kids’ Bike Ride Through Queens, New York

Nonviolent and Violent Protest

Is the Pandemic Creating a Resurgence of Unionism? 

If a Covid-19 Vaccine is Discovered, It Will be a Boon to Military Recruiters

Staying Above Water During the Pandemic

Nothing Left

Online Education in a Time of Grave Danger

Our Revolution or Our Capitulation?

So Long, Bernie

American Exceptionalism in the Face of Covid-19

The Fault Lines of a Failed Society Begin to Open Up Into Chasms

Living at the End of the World

The Neoliberal Bumbler-in-Chief

The Powerful Are Going After Jane Fonda Again

The Wealth That’s Killing Us Will Save Us: Politics Through the Looking-Glass

The Anti-Abortion Hit List From a Rhode Island Priest

To March or Not to March: Why are the Streets Nearly Empty?

Beyond Injustice: Murderous Racism Alive on the Streets of the US

Action Research: Acquiescing to the Awful

Fifty Years and Still the Unrelenting Drumbeat of War

Chance of a Military Draft in the US? Less Than Zero!

The Government is Torturing Chelsea Manning! Does Anyone Give a Damn?

Self-Enlightenment v. Social Change

Keep Your Head Down; Keep Your Passport Current

Militarism Has Become Enormously Popular and Nearly Universally Accepted

The One Thing That US Leaders Seem to Do Well is Lie

Elizabeth Warren: Savior of a Fallen System?

The High Crimes of Selling Churros and Loosies in NYC

David Harris, Presente!

The Dubious Case of Washing Machines and Student Performance

Wealth and All That Glitters

“We Came, We saw, He Died:” Once Young in a Land of Endless Wars

More Incitement to Violence by Trump’s Fellow Travelers

Public School Uniforms: Symbol of the Times 

Amid all of the War and Mayhem… Sam’s Story

Underground Notes From a 2016 Sandernista

Losing My Religion

As Schools Open

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse Fuel the Fires of Hate and Destruction

To Protect and Serve

The Proud Boys Take Over the Streets of Portland, Oregon

At the End of the Barrel of a Gun

Two Foxes and a Hen: Sexual Assault in the Military

A Dark Corner of Hell

What Has Happened to the U.S. Since the Kids Left Woodstock?

Everybody Must Get Stoned

The D.O.A. Peace Movement Ain’t Marching Much Anymore, But We Did

They’re Still Dying at an Early Age

“Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran”