Howard Lisnoff

Howard Lisnoff is a freelance writer. He is the author of Against the Wall: Memoir of a Vietnam-Era War Resister (2017).

Operation Babylift 1975

A Vietnamese Restaurant

The Endless Wars: 2003-2023

Divide and Conquer

Fifty Years of Resistance

Joe Biden on Police

An Evidence-Based Look at Mass Shooters in the US

The General with the Mercedes Medal

War is as Popular as Cherry and Apple Pie

Netanyahu: A Bull in the Middle East China Shop

Julian, Harry, Meghan, et al.

A Brave New World

Newtown, Connecticut

Gina Raimondo: Neoliberal Superhero

Watching the Global Disaster Unfold

Against War? You’ve Got to be Kidding!

From Attica to Daunte Wright

The Political System in the US is a Train Wreck

Nineteen Seventy-Two: Year of Revolt

Old Beliefs Die Hard

On the Deck of an Aircraft Carrier

Reflections of a Do-Gooder

A Socialist and a War Resister

Miss Clark’s Civics Class Revisited

Suppose They Gave a War

Two Missing Photographs

The Rhode Island Pension Tsunami

The March For Our Lives Rally

The Death of a Delivery Person

From Our Sister’s-Brother’s Keepers to Military Triumphalism

Kathy Boudin: Revolution Versus Direct Action

War: The Hideous Constant

Ukraine and Russia; Flags and Wars

The Long Goodbye to a Union

Not a Socialist in the House

Todd Gitlin and the Demise of the New Left

Anti-Semitism and the Admonition to Repair the World

Truckloads of Guns 

Say It Ain’t So, Joe, Again

What’s Not to Like About Ike

How Worried Do We Need to Be?

Was the Attack at Pearl Harbor Inevitable?

“They Should Have Shot More Students:” From Kent State to Kenosha

“Come Writers and Critics…”

The World That Will Greet David Gilbert

The Surveillance State: It Knows Almost Everything About Us, We Know Almost Nothing About It

Canada Then and Now

The Women’s March

Don’t Count On Heroes!

Victims of Endless War