Harvey Wasserman

Harvey Wasserman wrote THE PEOPLE’S SPIRAL OF US HISTORY: FROM JIGONSASEH TO SOLARTOPIA.  Most Mondays @ 2-4pm PT, he co-convenes the Green Grassroots Election Protection Zoom (www.electionprotection2024).  The Mothers for Peace (www.mothersforpeace.org) could use your help in the struggle to shut the Diablo Canyon nukes.  

Why Should Nuclear Loan Guarantees Cost Less Than Student Loans?

Hold that “Hot” Fukushima Sushi!

The Nuclear Industry Has Melted in Japan and France

The Plague of the Failed Atom

Obama’s Atomic Solyndra

Obama’s Attack on Oaksterdam U.

New Nukes on the Brink

We May Yet Lose Tokyo (and Alaska and Georgia)

Court to Vermont: “Drop Dead”

2012 is the Year to Finally Bury Nuke Power

My Week at Shakespeare & Co.

Stopping an Attack on Iran

To End All Wars

Will a Failed Solar Loan Kill New Nukes?

Ten Thousand Fukushimas

Green Music Confronts Nuclear Power, Again

We’ve Almost Lost Nebraska

Are We on the Brink of Burying Nuke Power Forever?

The Nuclear Bandits

Fukushima and the Radioactive Sea

Fukushima’s Apocalyptic Threat

America’s New Nuclear Showdown

Japan Junks New Nuclear Plants

The Peaceful Atom and Other Nuclear Fairy Tales

There’s No "Safe" Dose of Radiation

Japan’s Quake Could Have Irradiated the Entire United States

Obama’s $36 Billion Nuke Giveaway

Socialism Triumphs at the Super Bowl

Obama and Our Disney Nukes

Another No Nukes Victory

Our Gay Commander-in-Chief

A $7 Billion New Nuke Attack

Perpetual War in Afghanistan

America’s Eggshell Nukes

Vermont’s Great Green Election Day Victory

Calvert Cliffs on the Brink

A Solar Victory and a Military Defeat

Another Feeble-Headed Nuke Drops Dead

Is the Nuclear Renaissance Dead Yet?

Why Stewart Brand is Wrong About Nukes

Has Chief Wahoo Cursed Cleveland Again?

The Gusher and the Sun

Apocalypse in the Gulf

Liability Caps, From Oil Spills to Nuclear Meltdowns

BP’s Dead Zone

Nuking Earth Day

Paying Now for the Next Three Mile Island

The Nuke Pushers to Vermont: Drop Dead

The Nuclear Lobby’s $645 Million Con Job

The Atomic Abyss