Frank Stricker

Frank Stricker is in the National Jobs for All Coalition. He taught history and labor studies at CSUDH for thirty-five years. He has just written What Ails the American Worker? Unemployment and Rotten Jobs: History, Explanations, Remedies. For some sources behind this essay, e-mail

Wages Rising? 

Is Low Inflation the Path to Real Wage Growth?

The Crummy Good Economy and the New Serfdom

Can We Finally Stop Worrying About Unemployment?

Is the U.S. at Full Employment? Should They Put the Brakes on Job Growth to Avoid Inflation Down the Road?

Wages Again? Yup. It’s a Swamp Out There, So Let’s Review the Facts

Happy New Year, Sure, But Why Aren’t Wages Soaring?

Republican Tax Cuts: You’re Right, They’re Not About Economic Growth or Lifting Working-Class Incomes

Poverty Down, Jobs Up, Everyone Earning More: What’s Not to Like?  A Father and Son Discuss the News   

Getting Full Employment: the Fake Way and the Right Way 

Why $15 an Hour Should be the Absolute Minimum Minimum Wage

Can We Bring Back Many Factory Jobs? Let’s Do the Math

Do Skill and School Deficits Explain Why We Don’t Have Enough Good Jobs?

My Dinner with Isobel: Arguing About Jobs

Ready for the Coming Assault on Social Security? Five Things Paul Ryan and Friends Don’t Want You to Think About