Florence Foo, Si Cheng, Taciana Santiago and Brittany Michelson

Florence Foo, Si Cheng, and Taciana Santiago are members of Panda Voices, created in early 2021 by an international group of panda fans from Asia, Europe, and the Americas, brought together by concerns over pandas YaYa and LeLe. The organization is committed to giving voice to the voiceless and promoting the humane treatment of animals in captivity through advocacy and services. Brittany Michelson is the captive animals campaigner at In Defense of Animals. She is a dedicated animal rights activist, the founder of Desert Oasis Turtle & Tortoise Sanctuary, and the editor of the anthology Voices for Animal Liberation: Inspirational Accounts by Animal Rights Activists (Simon & Schuster, 2020).

Zoo Troubles: the Plight of Two Pandas Lays Bare the Flaws