Kim C. Domenico

Kim C. Domenico, reside in Utica, New York, co-owner of Cafe Domenico (a coffee shop and community space),  and administrator of the small nonprofit independent art space, The Other Side.  Seminary trained and ordained,  but independently religious. She can be reached at:

Humankind is Our Business: A Case for Poetic Disobedience

Is Pandemic the “Kairos” Moment to Stop Living as Slaves to Fear?

Restoring the Interior Commons is the Best Hope for A Human-Supportive World

Healthy and Unhealthy Fear in the Age of Coronavirus

Can We Transform Fear to Strength In A Time of Pandemic?

Transitioning ‘Ontologically’ Pt II: Building Counter-(Oc)Culture

Transitioning ‘Ontologically:’ Liberating Liberals from Unconscious Class-shame

Liberals Explain Things to Me … My Soul Rebels

A Bourgeois Hero Would Be Something To See!

Sedition or Sedation?: Liberalism and Neuroses

What We Have In Common Now Is the Struggle for Our Humanity

We Know the End the of the World; It’s the Sound of Silence

To Overthrow Radical Evil, Part II: A Grandmother’s Proposal

To Overthrow Radical Evil, the Revolution Must Go Deep

It Serves Us Right To Suffer: Breaking Down Neoliberal Complacency

All We Are Saying, Is Give Peace A Chance (Bring It Home!)

Finding the Comrades: Maintaining Precarious Sanity In Insane Times

Careerism and the War Machine

For Peace It’s ‘Drop Down’, Not Top-Down

Peace Is Revolution! Revolution Is Peace!

Lessons from D.H. : A Soul-based Anarchist Vision for Peace-making

Building the Sustainable Community: Reconciliation and “Sticking” Over Rights and Flight

Anarchism & Reconciliation, Part II

Can Anarchism Be A “Peace Corps” for Human Reconciliation?

Other, Where Art Thou?: Countering Benign Liberal Intolerance

Thus Spake the Soul: It’s Time To Re-libidinize the Left

Why Ain’t We Peculiar? Anarchist Benefits of A “Neo-Parochialism”

Neoliberalism’s “Deep Orientalism” and the Refusal of the Sacred Other

Revolutionary Art and the Redemption of the Local

The High Human Cost of Liberal Resentment

No Saviors But Ourselves; No Disobedience Without Deeper Loyalty

To Make a Vineyard of the Curse: Fate, Fatalism and Freedom

Anarchist Revolution Begins On the Bottom

The Cure for White Supremacy Lies in Religion and Art 

Redeeming Utopia: a Meditation On An Essay by Ursula LeGuin

Why Conversion? We May Be Timid and Confused, But the Anarchist Soul Is Not

An Anarchist Uprising Against the Liberal Ego

The Ultimate General Strike: a Revolution of Failures

Original Politics: Protecting the Borderland of the Anarchist Soul

The Tyranny of the Horizontal: a Call for a Creative Uprising

How to Keep Going by Knowing the Apocalypse is Now: a Lesson From the Pig Farm

Contesting the Undeclared Liberal War on Freedom

If Anti-Authoritarianism Fails To Challenge the Ego’s Supremacy, We Will Remain Bourgeois, Conforming and Politely Fascist

A Coffeehouse Hallucination: The Anti-American Dream Dream

Outing the Dark Beast Hiding Behind Liberal Hope

Maybe This Is How the Guards Revolt?

Blessing “Excess:” The Call to Anarchism, Art, Anthropos and Lost Causes Generally

Fight White Bourgeois Supremacy: Join the Invisibles

Preserving Our Humanity from the Neoliberal Project Begins With Mystical Anarchism

BLM for White Folks May Mean Becoming Just Folks