David Yearsley

DAVID YEARSLEY is a long-time contributor to CounterPunch and the Anderson Valley Advertiser. His latest book is Sex, Death, and Minuets: Anna Magdalena Bach and Her Musical NotebooksHe can be reached at  dgyearsley@gmail.com

Who Needs a Conductor?

Franckly My Dear, I Do Give a Damn

Handel Makes War

People in White Houses Shouldn’t Throw Roger Stones

Bach and Bitcoin

Looking Back at Sochi Gold

Miranda Writes: Encanto’s Chart-Topping Enchantments

Unbending Bach

Listening Up to “Don’t Look Up!”

Danube Blues

Making Christmas Complicated

The Musical Mission of Barry Harris

Camping with Campion: the Fire in Jonny Greenwood’s Score to The Power of the Dog

Bach’s Knocks

The King at Thanksgiving (No, not Elvis)

Wynton Marsalis Comes Down to Earth

The Rap on Brandon

Wolf’s Glen for Halloween

Founding Father of American Song

400 Years Since Sweelinck

Balls to Masks!

The Doctor Departs

Big Sky Over Ithaca

An Ashen-Voiced Anthem

Come, Sweet Death in the Torture Chamber

Bach on Torture

Annette à l’Amazon

Seattle’s “Green Ring:” the Wagner Cult in the Northwest

Bach on Ice

Shropshire in New York

Hounds and Hogs, Men and Truffles

Bach on Fire

Tweet Every Voice: Assault on A Capitol Fourth

Violence and Violins

Hearing Brueghel

Plains Music

Air Attack: Sound as Police Weapon

Bach in Bergman’s Boudoir

Disaster Music

Back with Bach in the GDR

Reading Together

Gone But Not Forgotten…by Pop

All Dressed Up for the Oscars and Nowhere to Go

Titian’s Prelude to Love

Bach at Tax Time

The Trumpet Shall Sound

Bach in Spring

Froberger’s Melancholic Musical Travels

Travelers, Sour and Sentimental

Do Organists Dream of Electric Sheep?