Brian McKenna

Brian McKenna is an anthropologist who teaches at the University of Michigan-Dearborn and can be reached at

The Peoples’ Anthropology of Sam Beck

Cancer is Capitalist Violence

How Alexander Cockburn Helped Me Take on the War on Drugs

The Predatory Pedagogy of On-Line Education

If Marx’s Math is Fundamental, Why Do So Few Teach It?

Slave Doctors for Capitalism

Michigan’s Abu Ghraib?

Killing the Doctors When They Refused to Cry Uncle

Student Loan Fury in the Occupy Movement

Medicine’s Complicity in the Cruelties of Capitalism

Looking for a Good Shaman

How Will Gillian Tett Connect With the Natives of the US Left?

Wild West Journalism

Anorexia and Capitalism

Muckrake Your Town

Zinn and the Art of History

Even If Obama Passed Single Payer, Primary Care Doctors Still Wouldn’t Get It

Profitting From Pandemics

How Anthropology Disparages Journalism

Ted Downing and Troublemaker Anthropology

How Dow Chemical Defies Homeland Security and Risks Another 9/11

McCain’s Melanoma Cover-Up

What Would Smedley Butler Do?

Brotherly Love in Philly’s Badlands

Higher Ed’s "Civic Engagements" Get Dumbed Down

Cancer Terrorists Unmasked

Native Resurgence Spurs Hope

We All Live in Poletown Now

Will Bush Miss the Next Bhopal?

Dow Chemical Buys Silence in Michigan