Fran Shor

Fran Shor is a Michigan-based retired teacher, author, and political activist.  

Imprisoned Presidential Candidate(s)

The Fierce Urgency of Now

Yeh Man, the U.S. Has an Addiction to War and Empire

Skepticism of the Will

The Recurring Nightmare of America’s Political Tradition

Trump’s Failed Coup

White Chickens, Coming Home to Roost

Towards the End of the Biopolitical Plague

Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and Fantasy Island: An Imagined Conversation

Terminal Conditions

The Coronavirus Pandemic and Our Civilizational Crisis

White Terrorism

The Distemper of White Spite

My “Catch-22” Moment

Imperial Blind Spots and US Interventions in Africa

Caligula’s Diatribes

Carnage and Cooptation Under Trump’s Reign

A Rigged System?

Demonizing the Green Party Vote

Beyond Trump vs Clinton

For a Political Revolution Beyond Electoral Mobilization

Beyond Ahs: Media Spectacles, Political Illusions and Movement Strategies

Occupy Wall Street and the Sanders Campaign: a Case of Historical Amnesia?

Confessions of a Ferguson Police Dog

Michael Brown and the Contradictions of Justice in America

Take This American Jobs Act and Shove It!

A Pitiless, Punitive Giant

Obama and the Dying Empire

The Audacity of Hype

The Electoral Circus and Nader’s Sideshow

Obama, the Kennedys and "Change We Can Believe In"

A Culture of Collapse

Can the Anti-War Movement Dismantle the War Machine?

Disassembling Bush’s Iraq War

The Crisis of Public Dissent

From Vietnam to Fallujah

Whose Boob Tube?

Mad Human Disease

Counterinsurgency and Insurgency from Vietnam to Iraq

Arnold’s California Putsch

Arnold and Wesley

The Grunts of Empire

Crow’s Return

Militarized Masculinity

Psychic and Political Numbing in Preparations for War

Dirty Bombs, Blowback and Imperial Projections

Meanwhile, Back in Afghanistan

Follow the Money, Bush, 9/11 and Deep Threat

Invasion of Iraq, Coming Soon

US-Sponsored State Terror