Susan Block

Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For information and speaking engagements, call 626-461-5950. Email her at  

Post-Trump Sex Disorder(s)

Why Bezos Exposed Trump’s Pecker

Roger Stoned and Swinging

GoBonobos in 2019!

Slappy Spanksgiving: Five Fun Reasons to Celebrate

Cucks, Cuckolding and Campaign Management

Incel Therapy, Bonobo-Style

Stormy & the Students

#GoBonobos in 2018

The Fire and Fury of the Tiki Torches

#GoBonobos in 2017: Happy Year of the Cock!

Size Matters in Politics and in Sex: Show Your Hand!

#GoBonobos in 2016

The Bonobo Way

Sperm Wars

The Bonobo Spring Revolution

50 Shades of Holy Crap

Make 2015 the Year of the Bonobo (8):{I)

Anal Food Rape and the CIA

Bill Cosby’s Sleep Fetish

“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” Defames Bonobos

Hunger Games, Killing Fields

Galloping Petraeus

Sex Week at Yale

The Politics of Spanking

The Shriveling of the Case Against DSK

Obama Kills Osama

Queen Esther’s Weapons of Mass Seduction

Lupercalian Valentine’s Day

Make Eros, Not Thanatos

Hot Wet Holiday Sex

My Porn Star Girlfriend

Our Promiscuous Prehistory

G-Spot Redeemed

Bonobo Handshakes

Hillbilly Rebel Women v. Corporate Murderers

Something About Rima

Tiger’s Inflamed Joint

Secret Sexual Fantasies

Defending the G-Spot

Inside the Two Heads of the Crotch Bomber

Tiger Woods Syndrome

The Murder of Annie Le

Sex, Death and Michael Jackson

The Binds That Bond

On Sex Addiction

Sarah Palin: Venus in Furs

The Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church Killings

The Groom May Kiss the Groom

A Washington Witch Hanging