José Pertierra

José Pertierra is an attorney in Washington, DC.

Soldiers of the Bridge: Cuba’s New Fortress

US / Cuba Relations: the Trouble With Normal

Chavez: the Man and His Dream

Murder in Paradise

Cuban Five: a Cruel and Bizarre Decision

The Expert’s Ignorance and the 71 Objections From the Prosecution

The Witness From María Elvira, Live!

The Sound and Fury of Otto Reich

Swinging Doors

Posada’s Tango

Bardach in Wonderland

The Cross-Examination of Ann Louise Bardach

How Ann Louise Bardach Helped Win the Second Battle Over the Solo Fax

Ann Louise Bardach Takes the Stand

Tony Álvarez Links Posada Carriles to the Bombings in Havana

The Battle Over the Solo Fax

María Elvira, the Afternoon Diva

Fabio’s Friend

FBI Evidence and "Cuba’s Reasons"

Follow the Money

Graymail and Secret Memos

A Clueless or Cunning Witness?

The Forensic Pathologist From Cuba

Vulgar Questions

A Gentleman on the Stand

Judge Cardone


The Inspector From Cuba

The War Against the Evidence From Cuba

The Gathering Storm

The Gathering Storm

The Battle for the Passport

Posada Carriles Sleeps Like a Baby

The Soap Opera Matters More Than the Truth

Questions Are Not Evidence, But They Sway

Judge Cardone at the Center of the Drama

The Fear, the Courage and the Bomb

Abascal’s Testimony Damages Posada’s Defense

The Man in the Gray Woolen Suit

The Tip of the Iceberg

First, the Lies

Art’s Theater

The Lead Prosecutor in the Cuban Five Case Refused a DHS Request to Press Criminal Charges Against Posada Carriles

A Voice From the Past

The Trial of Luis Posada Carriles

The Trial of Luis Posada Carriles

A Decision in the Posada Case

The Cuban Five: a Cold War Case in a Post-Cold War World

Gesture For Gesture

Is Venezuela the Real Target of Bush’s New Cuba Plan?