Perhaps you knew
This hitherto
I had no clue at all
That Washington, the capital,
Sits right between
Virginia, the Virgin, and Mary-
Land — the Virgin Mary
Is this discussed
Among the nuts much?
Less so’s that America,
The name,
Stems from Vespucci’s
And that it means
The proof:
Amerigo’s like Emmerich,
or Heinrich which
It’s cognate with
Which comes from Heim
And Rik, for rule — that’s
Oikos and nomos in Greek
What does that give ya?
Everybody must agree
It’s name just means Economy
American Economy
Why, that’s just a tautology!
And, yet, you should know,
The nomos is custom,
Traditional order and force
Driven by fear
The source of these wars
Consuming the earth
The Nomos is inimical to Logos
So why arrange shit
According to it?
If you want the Logos
The truth
and the light and the way
Rather than economy
Instead pursue ecology
God fuck the USA