Image by Manny Becerra.
If you were foolish enough to take sociopaths at their word, you could be forgiven for believing that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are the world’s most violent pacifists. Both of these repugnant candidates for Godfather of Babylon seem to traffic in vague suggestions of world peace punctuated by breathless declarations of total war.
Donald Trump seems to be attempting to make avoiding nuclear apocalypse in Ukraine a cornerstone of his barely coherent campaign platform while simultaneously calling the Democrats Marxist pussies for not murdering more children in Gaza.
Meanwhile, Kamala seems to be running a campaign devoid of even the pretense of a platform beyond some Disneyfied reimagining of her biography that carefully excludes the fact that she was a pampered Berkley brat who grew up to be a glorified prison warden. But, in the few cases where her Clintonian handlers actually let her speak, Kamala, she-wolf of Pelican Bay, tends to lean heavy on vague calls for a ceasefire in Palestine snuck between proclamations of the sanctity of Israel’s right to defend itself from infants and pregnant women.
The end result of this contrarian food fight matinee is an election between proven killers promising peace when it’s politically correct for their target constituency and promising catastrophic violence pretty much everywhere else.
Regardless, it’s hard to believe that a diligent observer with a view unobstructed by their own asshole could come to any conclusion other than the sad fact that both Ukraine and Palestine are pretty much fucked under either one of these belligerent imbeciles.
In fact, both bloodbaths seem to be largely defined by the multitude of opportunities for peace that have been grievously sabotaged by America’s two-party war machine and the quislings they groom, but let’s focus on the ones in Kiev first and circle back to Tel Aviv for the finale.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine actually began with Vladimir Putin offering a proposal to the US on mutual security guarantees defined by a perfectly reasonable request that Ukraine not be made a member of the NATO colossus. It was only after the US responded to this offer by doubling down on turning Russia’s next-door neighbor into a gas station for the military industrial complex that Putin sent in the troops he had been amassing on the border for leverage.
However, even then he limited this raid to between 120,000 and 190,000 soldiers. More than enough skinheads to fuck shit up and raise cane but far short of the number necessary to overthrow and indefinitely occupy a nation of Ukraine’s size.
Putin may be a cold-blooded sociopath in his own right, but I still strongly suspect that the initial goal of his bloody little “special operation” wasn’t conquest but a brutish attempt to terrorize Ukraine into neutrality, and it nearly worked.
A round of peace talks in Istanbul held within the first few months of the war were said to be 90% prepared by Ukraine’s own advisors and they continued even after the horrors in Bucha were uncovered. It wasn’t until Boris Johnson showed up unexpectedly in Kiev that this peace was successfully averted.
Both then-Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett, and former German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, acting as intermediaries during the talks, have admitted to witnessing this screw-job firsthand, with Schroader remarking, “Nothing could happen because everything else was decided by Washington… the Ukrainians did not agree to peace because they were not allowed too.”
Basically, the Atlantic Empire, represented by the US, the UK, the EU, and NATO, made Volodymyr Zelensky a counteroffer to Putin’s latest ham-fisted peace proposal; fight this fucker forever and we’ll foot the bill. Flash forward a couple years and Zelensky is the one launching his own insane special operation inside Russia’s Kursk Oblast.
Nothing about this operation makes any rational sense from a purely strategic standpoint. At a time when Ukraine is getting pulverized by Russia on the frontlines of the Donbas, they decide to send more than a thousand of their best armed and best equipped men over the border to occupy 1,000 square kilometers of strategically irrelevant territory where they are being quite predictably decimated as we speak.
No two western analysts can seem to agree on what the fuck Volodymyr Zelensky hoped to achieve with this mess but that’s because no two western analysts seem to be considering the possibility that two years into his embrace of Babylonian proxy-dom, Volodymyr Zelensky has become a full-fledged war junkie, cruising the bloodlands for another fix.
This invasion of the invaders came on the eve of a planned summit in Qatar that promised to see both Russia and Ukraine cease strikes on each other’s energy and power infrastructure. These were set to be the first serious negotiations held since Istanbul and many western security wonks have trotted out the spurious argument that Zelensky was simply maneuvering for a better strategic position in these deals with a surprise invasion of the nation he was allegedly trying to convince to trust him.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out a far more likely outcome to such outrageous behavior and here it comes. The peace talks are dead as disco with no sign of revival in sight. However, Russia wasn’t the superpower that Zelensky was trying to make a deal with.
This man’s already fragile government has collapsed into a hive of corruption and vicious infighting in the years since he chose war, with the military holding more power than Parlaiment and generals being fired left and right for rampant insubordination.
The only thing keeping these gangsters from tearing each other to shreds in a civil war is a forever war with the gangsters next door. In this context, Zelensky’s invasion of Kursk appears to be some sort of absurd advertisement to his western sponsors, and he hasn’t exactly been shy about admitting it.
As Ukrainian conscripts are blown to bits on Russian soil, Volodymyr has announced a grand “Plan for Victory” which he apparently intends to submit to both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump this September.
What precisely this plan entails remains a mystery, but Zelensky has stated that it will involve a proposition to increase his crumbling nation’s participation in “the global security infrastructure”, signaling even further integration of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the for-profit western defense industry.
This proposition mirrors one that Vlod made just last year when he invited 250 international defense companies from 30 countries to participate in Ukraine’s First International Defense Industries Forum where a former comedian who once ran as a peace candidate promised to establish a “special economic regime for the defense industrial complex” while turning his country into one “Big Israel.”
If you want a preview of what such a horror show might entail, just take a glimpse south to the Holy Land and look upon Washington’s works, ye mighty, and despair.
Israel has developed into a veritable military industrial peace-deal shredding machine, and nobody shreds them like Benji Netanyahu who seems to come up with a fresh new way to sabotage a ceasefire every single week. His latest is the six hostages allegedly executed by Hamas during a military raid in the tunnels below Rafah, but even Bibi’s own constituents aren’t buying this bill of goods. In fact, they are rioting in the streets, with the family members of the slain hostages leading the charge against a veteran war junkie who has reduced himself to using genocide to keep his scheming ass out of prison.
This is Volodymyr Zelensky’s future foretold in the present and while it is very tempting to look at the crimes of such proxies as purely blowback, the reality is actually something far more sinister.
Both Bibi and Zelensky perform their heinous stunts with the full cooperation of American military intelligence. In fact, we have “advisors” on the ground in both of these countries providing them with everything from satellite imagery to detailed logistics on how many children they can expect to kill with our bombs.
Why would any superpower behave so despicably? Because war is a racket, and America has built an empire to corner the market. Look no further than the Pentagon if you still don’t believe me.
The man commanding that death star shaped liked Satan’s asshole is one Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, a former board member of Raytheon, which is one hell of a coincidence considering that Raytheon just happens to be the corporation which produces both Stinger missiles and Javelin rockets, dated military hardware flying off the shelves since Ukraine began lobbing them at Putin’s gestapo.
Raytheon also just happens to be the corporation that manufactures Israel’s Iron Dome rocket defense system, which might explain why a Zionist isolationist like Donald Trump hired Lloyd Austin’s predecessor, Raytheon super-lobbyist Mark Esper, to serve as his last Secretary of Defense.
You see, dearest motherfuckers, anything from black tar heroin to Super Mario Bros. can become an addiction as long as it derives pleasure from the addict. But only a state can turn a relatively peaceful and popularly elected prankster like Volodymyr Zelensky into an unhinged and unimpeachable genocide junkie like Benjamin Netanyahu, and with a pusher like Uncle Sam on every corner, a new junkie gets elected every other minute.
So, why then should our elections be any different? Trump or Kamala, Zelensky or Bibi, smack or coke… pick your poison and spike up soldier, it gets worse.