February 2024

The US Must Force Israel to Stop a Catastrophic Military Campaign in Rafah

North Korea’s Transformation on Peaceful Reunification Marks Paradigm Shift in Asia

Russia: Why Navalny, and What’s Next?

Here Come the Steroid Games

Launching a Major International Front Against the Extreme Right

Donald Trump vs. the 14th Amendment

Mexico is Suing US Gun-makers for Arming its Gangs and a US Court Could Award Billions in Damages

It’s Getting Late

Massive “Pintler Face” logging and Burning Project on Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest Challenged in Federal Court

Stand Against Genocide and Imperialism

Netanyahu and Israel in Decline and May Take Biden Down With the Them

Day After the Gaza Genocide: The Unpromising Future of the Palestinian Authority

AMLO and the Third Rail of Mexican Politics 

What’s at Stake for Julian Assange—and the Rest of Us

Pakistan Election Aftermath: Coalition Government, Economic Challenges, and the Struggle for Substantive Solutions

Anti-Petro Coup Imperils Historic Pact Government in Colombia

When Scott Morrison Met Nemesis

Biden & Blinken – Rule of Illegal Power Over Rule of Law

Big Trouble for Biden in Michigan

Israeli Siege has Placed Gazans at Risk of Starvation

Does Clean Energy Mean Native American Relocation From the Colorado Plateau? 

Israel Counting All Men Killed in Gaza as Militants

Shooting the Messengers

A Cry in the Darkness: “Please Come, Come Take Me”

Never Forget Who Donald Trump Really Is

How is the Proposed Ben Gurion Canal Tied to Israel’s Gaza Invasion?

If a Mother Can be Found Complicit in Her Son’s Murders, Shouldn’t States Be Held Complicit in a “Plausible” Genocide? 

Toward Decolonization in Palestine: An Interview with Tareq Baconi

67 Countries Banned This Toxic Product –But the EPA Says: “Go for it!”

Tucker Comes in From the Cold

The Unrepentant West: Germany’s Olaf Scholz and the Right to Commit Genocide in Gaza 

The Savage and the Spectacle

Drug Prices Should be Controlled

The AFL-CIO Can Be Reformed, Locally and From the Bottom-Up!

Dodging Biden’s Moral Collapse Is No Way to Defeat Trump

Yemen, Palestine and the End of US Legitimacy

When Courts Intervene: Halting the Transfer of F-35 Parts to Israel

How Three New Museums Are Teaching the World About a Paradigm Shift in Our Understanding of Human Origins

Rule of Law and Raison d’Etat: Julian Assange Must be Released

Love the Music, Taylor, But Please Park the Private Jet

We Can Interpret How Cooperative or Autocratic Mesoamerican Societies Were From Their Systems of Communication 

Fight on the Right: Anti-War Hungary Versus a Bellicose EU

The “Spanish-American War” Was Based on a Bloody Lie

Biden’s Generals in Pakistan

LVIII Forever

The Speech Biden May Give to Boost His Poll Numbers

Biden-Trump Rematch Is the Perfect Showdown for America’s Cadaverocracy

US Backs De Facto Prime Minister Amid Increasing Protests Calling for His Resignation

Immigrants do Work that Might Not Otherwise Get Done, Bolstering the US economy

Too Much Doubt: Ivan Cantu and Maimonides on the Burden of Proof for Execution