May 2023

The Taliban and the Islamic State Continue to Fight for Control of Afghanistan’s Future

Aqueous Matters: Europe’s Water Crisis

Israel Denies the Nakba While Perpetuating It

Ending the Guantánamo Nightmare

Biden and the Greatest Economy Ever

It’s Time for Renewed Activism in Combating Child Labor

“I Don’t Know What I’m Going to Do”

Fire, Razor Wire and the Beast

The Hollywood Red Scare, 75 Years Later

There’s No “AI” in CounterPunch

Roaming Charges: Neely Don’t Surf

“The Real Florida”: My Trip to the Marijuana Dispensary

The Quiet Warrior: Russell Jim’s Struggle Against Nuclear Colonialism

Beltway Mediocrities Bumble Toward Armageddon

Travels Through “the Trumpocene”: Jeff Sharlet’s Dark Take on Our Fascist “Condition”

The Challenges of New Zealand and Progressive Foreign Policy in a Multipolar World 

Yeah, It’s Fascism: Connecting the Dots Between the GOP, Mass Shootings, and Terrorism

The End of the League of Nations as a Precursor to the End of the United Nations?

Whose Planet Are We On?

How Many Rappers Must Die So That Ari Melber Might Look Dope

The Trouble With Taiwan

A Certain Form of Thieving: The US Banksters Strike Again

Atomic Bamboozle: An Industry of Lies

The Women of Three Mile Island

Coronation Blues: Handel Hearkens

The Ocean Heat Bomb Ignites

The Sadistic GOP’s Debt Limit Ploy vs. the People

AI Morality 2.0

Shoot the Messenger: Montana Supreme Court Preserves the Right to Privacy and Abortion

Letters From Saudi Arabia: The Hejaz City of Tabuk

Love at the Juncture of Catastrophe: Himali Singh Soin’s Poetic Intervention in the Climate Crisis

Octavia Butler’s “God-shaping:” A Fiction Less Strange

Children and Youth Nearly Twice as Likely to Die in the South as New England

Body Worn Cameras Don’t Prevent Police Violence

Why Anarchists Should Give a F**k About Omali Yeshitela

A New Wave of Privatization for Russia?

The Insulin Crisis

Syria, Alas. Is There Reason for Optimism?

The Ultra-Wealthy Have a Private Jet Problem

Big Oil’s Outrageous Spending in California

Stop Drone Killing, Then Stop the Whole Ukraine War

Big Bad Canada Pushes to Protect Profits from Mexico

Seizing the Time!

Should the Left Give RFK, Jr. a Chance?

Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act: Last Best Chance for the Last Best Place

What would Aristotle Say About the Star Trek Episode “The Enemy Within”?

George and Donald

Gig Work is Getting Dangerous

DARPA is God and Nature

The Border After Title 42: US Government is Illegal, Not Migrants