Bombing of Baghdad, April 3, 2003.
The woman said that her daughter had black hair, brown skin, dark brown eyes, and was short for her age. Then, said Ms. Johnson, “Shit got real. She tells me the last time she saw her daughter was twenty years ago in the lap of a U.S. serviceman, just after some bombs went off; that her daughter’s back might have been broken. Then she goes on to say: ‘My daughter was four years old when I died in Baghdad. You Americans promised us a life of freedom. We are here to claim that freedom.’”
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susie day writes about prison, policing, and political activism. She’s also written political satire, a collection of which, Snidelines: Talking Trash to Power, was published in 2014. In 2020, her book, The Brother You Choose: Paul Coates and Eddie Conway Talk About Life, Politics, and The Revolution was published by Haymarket. She lives in New York City with her partner, the infamous Laura Whitehorn.