January 2023

Breaking the Addiction to Secrets and Secrecy

Google’s Stock Climbed After It Fired 12,000 Employees, But What Did They Get Out of It?

A Second Civil War?

The Border Industrial Complex Goes Big Time

A Down Year for Our Deepest Pockets?

Our Planet Versus Plastic Bags: a Tale of Two Cities

Omitting the Evidence: What the IMF Gets Wrong About Venezuela

A Poem is a Secret Shared by People: 5 x 5

Aaron Amaral

West Papua: What the UN Did and Must Undo

The Enemy Paradox

The Great Santos

Civics 1.1: Structures of Feeling

Is SCOTUS on the Verge of Dismantling Labor and the Administrative State in One Blow?

Did Washington Boost Another South American Coup?

Roaming Charges: The Specter of Equity and Other Evils

Is “Authoritarianism” Really “Being Revealed to be Weak” Around World?

Fukushima’s Toxic Dumping Flashpoint

Barbara Walters in Real Life: Icon and ‘Pushy Cookie’

Police Violence Reached an All-Time High Last Yea, Are We Ready to Shrink Police Budgets?

Powell Memo: Start of the Counterrevolution

It Comes Down to Political Practice, It Comes Down to Weapons 

Plutonium Pit Bomb Plans Excoriated by General Accounting Office

It Has Always Been a ‘Religious War’: On Ben Gvir and the Adaptability of Zionism

Shooting Star:  Judith Leyster Shines

The Wealthy Took a Hit in 2022, Who Lost the Most?

Need for Greed: Payback

A Picture of Global Complicity: Aiding Myanmar’s Military Regime

Beyond the Border Crisis

Ethnic Terrorism Continues to Stalk Ethiopia

Krugman, China’s Demographic Crisis, and the Which Way Is Up Problem in Economics

Biden’s Carelessness is More Than Embarrassing

Don’t Bring Back Pot Bans

A Corrupt and Clueless Supreme Court

America’s Inequality Problem in One Statistic

How the US Economic War on Venezuela Fueled the Migrant Crisis

A Civic Investment for the Ages in a Just Society

Rapacious Industrial Capitalism and its Apocalyptic Consequences

Are We on the Verge of Civil War II?

The Velvet Divorce of the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Is There a World Beyond War?

Wealth, Power and Climate Change

Latin Americans Can Call Fascist Coup Attempts Fascist but US-Americans Can’t

America’s Costly, Dysfunctional Approach to Security Is Making Us Ever Less Safe

Nuclear Submarine Doubts: US Lawmakers and AUKUS

Five Corporate Strategies to Manipulate Science

Rishi Sunak: Continuation of Thatcherite Finance Capital

Why Debate Markets vs. Government When We Let the Right Rig the Market?

Top Ten Corporate Crime Books of 2022

How the Getty and Walton Families Use Trusts to Dodge Taxes