The Future of Iran

The Wall of Fear is Over

Student protest at Amir Kabir university. Photo: Darafsh. CC BY-SA 4.0.

What will ignite the fall of the Islamic Republic following the current mass protests by young women? The revolutionary spark for over three months seems to have become a mass wall of no fear. Backed by virtually the rest of the Iranian population from urban centres to rural areas; from oppressed provinces of Iranian Kurdish territories of its Northern West frontier to parts of the Iranian Baluch area from its southern eastern flanks, the spark is everywhere, regardless of the extremely brutal State oppression throughout the country. A spark that has blatantly exposed the immense disgust for and the utter vulnerability of the Iranian ruling system. A spark that was never lost on the women of the Islamic Republic.

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Ibrahim Quraishi is a conceptual artist and writer dividing his time between Berlin and Amsterdam. His work has been exhibited extensively across Europe, South/East Asia and the Middle East. He is a regular cultural-political contributor to the German newspaper TAZ : die tageszeitung. His first historical novel, “being everywhere, being no where” (part I of a trilogy), is forthcoming from Seven Stories Press, NY.<