May 2022

Five Reasons Why Washington Can’t Break Its War Addiction

Alito’s Abortion Opinion Highlights America’s Misplaced Priorities

BoJo and Senator Paul

The Gilded Glamour Met Gala Was a Fantasia of Inequality

A Neglected Way to Help Slow Global Warming

Why One-in-Five Reptiles Face Extinction

‘Lab Meat’ Industry is Big Ag in Disguise

U.S. Intelligence Boasting Intensifies Russian-American Proxy War 

Secession From the Left

Why Stop at Roe: What’s Next?

Is Alito an Incel?

Why Canceling Student Debt Is a Matter of Racial Justice

The Outrageous Gap Between CEO and Worker Pay

Bongbong Politics: Rehabilitating the Marcos Family

Reform the UN Before It’s Too Late

An Ideal Foreign Policy

The Putinist Left and Ukrainian Nationalism

Abortion: Out of the Political Trap

Why the Southwest is Burning

Philip Goff: Panpsychic Ponderments

Legal Appeal Aims to Defend Wyoming’s Path of the Pronghorn From Massive Fracking Project

A World of Slaves Under His Eye: Reproductive Justice Versus Totalitarianism

When Bhabani Mahato Fed the Revolution

World Drought Gets Worse, Cities Ration

What’s Left of the New Green Deal?

In the Beginning Was the Weed

“Public Justice” – Standing Forty Years Against Brutish Corporate Power

Noise Matters: Wind Farms, Nuisance and the Law

Black Land Theft and the Racial Wealth Divide

Children’s Lives in a Dangerous World

A Monetary Reset Where the Rich Don’t Own Everything

What Have You Done For Me Lately? Using Elections to Rebuild Trust

Abortion Has Been Common in the US Since the 18th Century

“Democracy might get in the way”: Why Toronto’s Mayor Tory Rejected a Human Rights-based Alternative to Militarized Encampment Clearings

April: A Solid Month of Job Growth

World Day of the Portuguese Language and Marx

Banks Fueling Global Warming is Business as Usual

The Solution to Homelessness Is Not Death

The Long Hand of Slave Breeding, Redux

Toward a Peoples Ukraine Wars Tribunal

Roaming Charges: Playing for Keeps

No Proxy War: Stop the Dying

Tired of Being Worked to Death, Labor Strikes Back

Ukraine War Fuels NATO War Machine

Karl Marx: Student and Teacher of Technology

By Redefining UNRWA, Washington Destroys the Foundation for a Just Peace in Palestine 

Dobbs, Roe, and the Myth of Supreme Court as a Defender of Individual Rights

Fascism is Intentional