‘Qui tacet consentire videtur’
Contention this small article is that both the manufactured crises of Coronavirus and Ukraine reflect the pathological madness of a Global Deep State determined to effect a structural adjustment program (SAP) which includes the aim of a massive as unprecedented global population reduction bordering on an extinction level event. (ELE) to be precipitate thereof. The term ‘pathological madness’ is used as deployed in the above when the term ‘pure fucking evil’ is just as applicable, alas.
Such the method in the madness, indeed.
It is difficult to appreciate as contemplate the horror; the horror which views some nine out of ten people as ‘surplus’ and as such to be genocidally exterminated by hard or soft kill.
The soft kill means and mechanisms of this shockingly awful genocide such the tragic mass formation a 21st C. WIP are detailed herein.
The intention here is not to ‘fearmonger’, there is more than enough fear in the world as it is now alas, such the contemptoraneity (sic); rather it is to counter what amounts to a global deep state covert operation by exposing it to open as alternative consideration; it is to forewarn as forearm and as to some resistance expressed against the hypnosis which is the basis of a truly nefarious mass formation cultivated culturally hegemonic under which ‘We’ , sense of Zamyatin,, are in all probability to be marched as deemed surplus in a ‘dystopian lockstep’ to premature fatality.
‘Forgiving’ is distinct from ‘forgetting’ such the ‘fuhgeddabout’ it’ as of neoliberal Mafia Mass Formation?
In which the Capos are as politically are the ‘world leaders’ and the ‘world shapers’ of the ‘World Economic Forum’ as placed; as now ‘in situ‘?
Small quarters here elect to decry such an abomination of paradigm, such the smidgeons of disgust precipitated.
The Latin phrase above as means ‘he who is silent appears to consent‘ amplifies upon the rationale.
The phrase ‘build back better’ as a mantra of the ‘new normal’ may appear innocuous, even well meaning as philanthropic indeed; but in reality it entails destruction. It is a satanic phrase as much as is ‘Ordo ab Chao‘?
In order to build back something, that something must be destroyed or torn down first. ‘Back’ entails a ‘reappearance’ , while ‘better’ expresses a qualitative judgment which is subject to dispute under aesthetical and moral consideration; ‘orthodoxy’ denied .
To illustrate: imagine one day you answer the door to a stranger and he/she tells you that your house is to be built back better. Other than being shocked by this assertion, the first questions you would probably ask are ‘what do you mean built back?’ Is it going to be demolished?’ Who the hell are you?’?
Similarly, the phrase ‘new normal‘ entails a destruction of the ‘old normal‘.
The theme of destruction will be recurrent in detailing the mechanisms and means of the soft kill genocide as an SAP which is in progress, such the thematic apperception instanced this small article.
There are three main means of effecting soft kill genocide as a war on Humanity euphemised as a Global SAP, these are: medical, economic, military .
– The contention this small article is that both the manufactured crises of Coronavirus and the Ukraine reflect the pathological madness of a Global Deep State determined to effect a structural adjustment program (SAP) which includes as a sine qua non the aim of massive global population reduction. To reiterate, the term ‘pathological madness’ is used in the above when the term ‘pure fucking evil’ is just as applicable.
It is difficult to appreciate as contemplate the horror which views some nine out of ten people as ‘surplus’ and as such to be genocidally exterminated or subjected to ‘metadeath’. (see below) The soft kill means and mechanisms of this shockingly awful genocide as is such the tragic mass formation a WIP are detailed herein.
– The intention here is not to fear monger,( there is more than enough fear in the world as it is now alas) rather it is to counter what amounts to a global deep state covert operation by exposing it to open as alternative consideration as rense.com exemplifies as permits; it is to forewarn as forearm and to resistance furthered the hypnosis which is the basis of a truly nefarious mass formation under which we are in all probability to be marched in lockstep to premature fatality.
Small quarters here decry such as an abomination, such the smidgeons of disgust precipitated. The above Latin phrase as means ‘he who is silent appears to consent‘ amplifies upon rationale.
The phrase ‘build back better’ as a mantra of the ‘new normal’ may appear innocuous, even well meaning; but in reality it entails destruction. In order to build back something, that something must be destroyed or torn down first. ‘Back’ entails a reappearance in a new form , while ‘better’ expresses a qualitative as military judgement.
All three means of soft kill to be enunciated here are congruent with the implementation of a ponerological program of Genocide as a structural adjustment or War on Humanity as an overarching aim.
In medical means of effecting soft kill genocide we are early 21st C. already in the midst of the largest genetic therapy experiment the world has ever seen as a result of the Corona virus crises declared as a pandemic by Global Health Authorities as hegemons expressive of a deadly concentration of wealth and power. Such the ontological consequence of control and issue of ‘currency’, indeed . Natural DNA as much as natural immunity is destroyed by m.RNA therapy; as is natural humanity as replaced by transhumanity such the commensuration. The mortality figures for such a soft kill genocidal program/build back better are with each passing day and vaccination ‘boosted’ ever more difficult to disguise or conceal even under control of information dissemination by mass media form of propaganda and censorship. The statistics for ‘vaccine adverse reactions’ are increasingly a matter of dispute and censorship under mass formation. The number of people eventually to be soft killed by genetic therapy is part of the experiment as is the question as to what the full consequences or toll of the destruction of natural immunity are to be in a genocidal context? The exact contents of the ‘vaccines’ as experimental are unknown save by the manufacturers, but again are subject to dispute as concerns nanotechnology presence. Medical professionals questioning the narrative, analysing contents of the ”vaccines’ and those proposing alternative treatments are subject to vilification and censorship, including loss of license to practice.
Any soft kill strategy relies upon deception, censorship, and the abuse of trust. One cannot let such contemplation/proposition pass without raising the soft kill implications of the medical treatment of the elderly concerning forced ventilation and the administration of Midazolam and Morphine as occurred in the UK, alongside ‘do not resuscitate’ DNR orders effected under ‘corona virus emergency’. This is not an isolated incident/anomaly, but rather part of a global lockstep as expressive a mass formation of genocidal proportionality?
In economic means of effecting soft kill genocide we are currently entering into a new as hitherto unprecedented level of same means deployed on a global basis as a result of the Ukraine Crisis and an extension globally of the economic sanctions as were imposed as a result of the ‘lockdown’ policies as response to Corona Virus as destroyed so many SME’s and livelihoods worldwide. Again the number of premature fatalities as a result of ‘economic austerity’ or impoverishment inflicted by way of Corona Virus sanctions are unknown when such factors as suicide, para suicide and deaths from loneliness and homelessness included in the equation. Undoubtedly the genocidal soft kill implication of economic sanctions concerning corona virus are to be furthered if not exceeded(!) by the result of economic sanctions imposed globally as a result of the Ukraine Crisis, and this is entirely congruent with a massive surplus population reduction program. Already people worldwide are facing increasing energy costs and the knock on of food and consumables price inflation pending, and the choice between ‘heat or eat ‘to be replaced by no such choice form of inability under inflation to either heat or eat. This is to be further exacerbated by the collapse in stock prices and the effect on pension funds.
‘In ze future ve vill own nothing‘, indeed?
The strangulation of infrastructure or destruction of economies by way of economic sanctions as a modern variant of Medieval siege is in so many ways deadly; and the more economies so strangled the more the populations those economies served will inevitably be reduced in number. Economic sanctions on a global basis are a dangerous form of hellfire as destructive and as can rapidly spiral out of control. We have not yet seen the full soft kill consequences of those global sanctions imposed upon Russia; those hypnotised sufficiently under mass formation to believe only Russian people and children shall suffer are awaiting further ‘shock and awe’ such the dialectic material as ‘problem, reaction, solution’ expresses death on a genocidal scale as indiscriminate. No doubt those same ‘sanctidiots’ of ‘war, war’ as opposed to ‘jaw,jaw’ believe that sending arms and munitions to Ukraine are part of a solution – as congruent with surplus population reduction and the tragedy which deep state hypnosis/mass formation represents as a covert operation?
In military means of effecting soft kill; though the primary objective of military action of war is ‘hard kill’ by military technology, the slightly longer term consequences of ‘Nakba‘ by way of people being driven from their homes, losing livelihoods and being forced into migrancy to escape death should not be underestimated. Already millions of Ukrainians have been forced into such ‘Nakba‘ by military action, where they are to place, through no fault of their own it should be hastened to acknowledge, a further demand on the resources of economies already weakened and to be further weakened as a result of global economic sanctions. It should also be remembered that military means of effecting hard and soft kill population reduction are ongoing – at least 21 countries in the 21st C. World are currently at war.
It is a common belief that ionizing radiation form of nuclear war poses the greatest threat by way of population reduction as under military means hard kill effected; what demands consideration here is soft kill as can be effected genocidal by way of non ionizing radiation deployed in the form of Wireless Communication Radiation (WCR) as a military means of effecting soft kill genocide on a global basis.
Of all the means and mechanisms of Genocide effected thus far considered this small article, WCR is by far the most efficient and covert(!).
That there is a genocidal and metadeath synergy born of the global injection of nanoparticulate materials including graphene and the SAR thereof under the modulation of frequency of WCR as a non ionizing radiation is subjugate the satanic debasement of Empiricism and the Technology it accordantly spawns: of all the nefarious means hitherto ‘considered’ this small article WCR as an instance of ‘build back better’ represents as epitomises the cunning of evil as deceptively capable of spawning deadly illusion? It incorporates the ability to not only as by thermal ablation destroy bodies, but destroy minds under psychotronics as a ‘voice of god’ military technology.
For explication of ‘metadeath’ see here
Small quarters hope they are wrong concerning hypnosis of a mass formation of End Times denied, but obliged not to be silent under the embrace of Eros – Life is wondrous and eternal, despite the illusions of Thanatos which would have it otherwise?
‘Cui Bono?’ remains the greatest of questions?