As its title indicates, Titans, The Rise of Wall Street is a docuseries that focuses on the financial sector headquartered at Lower Manhattan and the financiers who built this leviathan of wealth, speculation, equity, inequity, iniquity, bubbles, booms, busts, bull markets and more. In Season 1, the first four previously released episodes spanned the early years of Wall Street, starting circa 1857 when J.P. Morgan arrived in New York from London, proceeding through the Gilded Age and World War I. Using a semblance of the “great man theory of history” attributed to 19th century Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle, these chapters zoom in on magnates such as J.P. Morgan and his father Junius, Jay Cooke, Henry Goldman and Samuel Sachs and chronicle how these titular “titans” turned Wall Street into the Mecca of American capitalism.

The four ensuing chapters for Season 2 of Titans, released starting Feb. 17 on Curiosity Stream, cover the Roaring Twenties, the infamous Oct. 29, 1929 crash on Black Tuesday, the Great Depression, the Roosevelt administration’s efforts to reform and restrain the juggernaut of the financial system and then jump forward to The Go-Go 80s in Episode 7, depicting the onslaught of deregulated capitalism during the Reagan era.

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Ed Rampell was named after legendary CBS broadcaster Edward R. Murrow because of his TV exposes of Senator Joe McCarthy. Rampell majored in Cinema at Manhattan’s Hunter College and is an L.A.-based film historian/critic who co-organized the 2017 70th anniversary Blacklist remembrance at the Writers Guild theater in Beverly Hills and was a moderator at 2019’s “Blacklist Exiles in Mexico” filmfest and conference at the San Francisco Art Institute. Rampell co-presented “The Hollywood Ten at 75” film series at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures and is the author of Progressive Hollywood, A People’s Film History of the United States and co-author of The Hawaii Movie and Television Book.