January 2022

Would Dogs Be Better Off Without Us?

Don’t Look Up: Another Look

Guantánamo’s Forever Elusive Endgame

Take This Job and Shove It!: The Growing Revolt Against Work

The Filibuster: Schumer Gets it Half Right

Lessons from a War-torn Garden

The Cold War Reborn and Resurgent

Is Corporate Personhood White?

Stop the Elite from “Thinning the Herd”

Taxing the World’s Richest Would Raise US $2.52 Trillion a Year

One Drinks Party Too Many: Boris Johnson and Breaching Lockdowns

Unbending Bach

Perhaps We Need More Uncertainty, Maybe

Dean & Britta—The Warhol: Silver Home Studio Sessions

The Political Economy of the Pandemic in the U.S. and Moving Forward

The Smearing of Emma Watson

The Decline of Unions and the Ongoing Struggle for Workers’ Rigths

Bipartisan Biden Builds Back Bupkis: Reflections on Biden’s Inauguration Anniversary

Welcome to Colorado: the Land of Oil Giants and Lilliputian Regulators

Biden-Cheney or Trump-Greenwald?

“World’s Greatest Deliberative Body”? Hardly

Black Americans Mostly Left Behind by Progress Since Dr. King’s Death

Beyond Fauci: When Physicians are Victims

The Myth of Bi-Partisan Necessity

Race Relations and the Natures of Our Beasts

Is Europe’s Inflation Joe Biden’s Fault?

The Ravenous Press

Ready for Another Game of Russian Roulette?

Rentier Capitalism and Class Warfare in Kazakhstan

The Hydra of Our Day

BoJo “Big Dog” Johnson, Distemper in the Time of Pandemic

The Peoples’ Money: Transitioning to a Steady State Economy

America’s New Class War

Why Pay Less? The US Strategy for Vaccinating the World

In South Africa as in Palestine: Why We Must Protect the Legacy of Desmond Tutu

The Damage Done to Canyon of the Ancients National Monument by Livestock Grazing

Why the Volcanic Eruption in Tonga was so Violent

Tracking Humans as a Migratory Species

Aafia Siddiqui, Political Prisoner

Say It Ain’t So, Joe, Again

Thoughts for the End of Days: a Morning Star, Insatiability, DishBrain, Xenobots

Secure Our Right to Vote

Bill Clinton’s Role in the Crisis Over Ukraine

Eurasia’s Ring of Fire: the Epic Struggle Over the Epicenter of U.S. Global Power

The Civil War on Yellowstone’s Wolves

Enduring Stain: The Guantánamo Military Prison Turns Twenty

Where Greed is a Virtue and Poverty Your Own Damn Fault

Vladimir Putin is Not the Neville Chamberlain the US/NATO is Looking For

Seditious Conspiracy Charge Against Oath Keepers Founder and Others in J6 Riot Faces First Amendment Hurdle