Dear Readers,
Over the years we’ve responded to the many varying requests of ways for CounterPunch to accept donations from you. We believe we have something easy for everybody now, but if you’d like to request another type of donation, feel free to email us at counterpunchbiz@gmail.com or call us at 707-629-3683.
Here is a link to our website or you can read about the options below.
Thank you for your support!
Becky, Deva and Nichole
Donate on our website by PayPal or with a credit card here to gain CP+ access with your donation.
Click here to make a simple donation with NO CP+ access. You don’t need to log in or create a password to make a Simple Donation. You can check out as a guest.
To donate by check or phone, send a check or money order to CounterPunch, PO Box 228, Petrolia, CA 95558. Please include your email address if you’d like to have access to CounterPunch+. Call us at (707) 629-3683 to donate with a credit card over the phone.
We now accept Cryptocurrency! We can accept 39 different cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency donations are tax-deductible. Donate Cryptocurrency here.
For those of you thinking of the long game, you can name CounterPunch as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account. To support the future of CounterPunch through a beneficiary gift, you can fill out a beneficiary designation form from your plan provider or an administrator. See our organizational information at the bottom of this letter for details.
One of the simplest ways to contribute from a retirement account is to name CounterPunch as a beneficiary for part or all of what remains in your retirement account when you no longer need it. This includes your individual retirement accounts (IRAs), Keogh plans, 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans and other qualified pension plans. The proceeds of these plans will be distributed outside probate and are thus entirely free from income and federal estate tax.
Tell us about your plans or request more information by emailing us at becky.counterpunch@icloud.com
Many companies offer matching gift programs for their employees. If your company does have such a program, please register your donation to us with them so they can match it. See our organizational information below.
You can donate in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. We can send a notice to the recipient of your choice to let them know that you have chosen to honor them or a loved one with a donation to CounterPunch. Donate here and leave a comment on the checkout form to “make this donation in honor of someone.” If you include their email address we’ll make sure to let the honoree know.
Considering asking your friends and family to donate to CounterPunch in lieu of receiving gifts for your special occasion. Ask them to donate to CounterPunch here and leave in a note in the comments field when they checkout.
Why not leave a legacy of support for independent journalism? Although we strongly recommend that you consult with your attorney and/or financial planner when thinking about leaving a gift by will, we can provide the following sample language:
I give and bequeath _________ to Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity, DBA CounterPunch (EIN 52-1921136), PO Box 228, Petrolia, CA 95558
If you choose to name CounterPunch as a recipient or leave us a legacy, here is the key information you’ll need.
Legal description of CounterPunch (Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity):
Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity, DBA CounterPunch, is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Federal tax ID number: 52-1921136
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 228, Petrolia, CA 95558
Call: 707 629 3683 or email becky.counterpunch@icloud.com if your financial institution requires more information.
Thank you for your support and generosity! Our readers are the CounterPunch lifeline!