Law #359. Annihilation
effect: unknowable
You die, leaving behind progeny, and your spirit soars to an unknown part of the universe. You leave assets behind and grant them in violation of the rule against perpetuities. All the people you knew in your life die, including their great-grandchildren. Your ethnic group fuses into the larger population, and your country turns into an uninhabitable wasteland. The books you wrote are out of print, but some are still available in a few libraries. The human species meets extinction, much like the dinosaurs, birds, and plants, though other life forms thrive, mainly fungi and viruses. A meteorite incinerates all the buildings, including the libraries and pyramids that humans built to save the written word and mummified royalty. The earth ejects out of its orbit and crashes into the sun. The solar system disappears without a clue, and black holes swallow every part of the universe, including the part where your soul relocated. Black holes evaporate into nothingness. Then, nothingness vanishes. You ponder.
This is part of a work-in-progress called 501 Laws. CounterPunch will publish one or two “laws” a month.