August 2021

The Choice Facing Afghans: Do a Deal With the Taliban or Flee

Freedom of Speech According to the Gospel of Koch

In Praise of Joe Biden

Hyphen-ated for Life: Palestinian-American, Almost

The Taliban Take Kabul

Vietnam Redux

“There is No Military Solution.” Time to Get Real About It.

War, Herbicides and Moral Disengagement

Cable Anchors on the Afghan Withdrawel

Gnomes and Chimps

The Disappearance of the Natural Death

Yurok Youth Ask Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland About State of North Coast Salmon, Climate Crisis

For Stanley Aronowitz

Why Many Veterans Terminate Their Souls

Biden Forfeits His Afghan Victory by Defending His Deep State Advisors

It is Government Weakness, Not Taliban Strength, That Condemns Afghanistan

The United States, Afghanistan, and the Doctrinal Boundaries of Permissible Reflection

A Climate Stat We Can’t Afford to Overlook: CEO Pay

Greed and Consumption: Why the World is Burning

“Nobody is Above the Law” – Except The “Big Boys”

The Delta Variant of Global Stupidity

A Right-Wing Call For Rough Men

Cheap Talk From the Fed on Global Warming?

Afghanistan: Taliban Victories Explain the Wisdom of US Withdrawal

The Death of the “Lima Group” and Re-Birth of the Latin American Anti-Imperialist Left

Scraping the Bottom of the Sea: the Movement to Stop Deep Sea Mining

Last Charge for the Dead Enders: Blame Biden for Leaving Afghanistan

Are Bezos and Musk Launching Us Into a New Space Age, or Just a U.S. Space Grab?

Climate Change is a Public Health Emergency

Haiti’s Earthquakes Require a Haitian Solution

Déjà Vu: Saigon, Vietnam, 1975;  Kabul, Afghanistan, 2021

Covid Recession Year One: Who Gained? Who Lost?

Afghanistan: So What Do the Filthy Commie Peaceniks Say Now?

Oregon is Better Than This: Stop Killing Wolves!

Bomber Biden Sends B-52s in Tantrum Over Taliban Advance

Yaqui Pipeline Fighters Need Immediate Relief

GPI vs. GDP: Does Size Matter More Than Substance?

Point Beach Reactor Courts Disaster with Sirens Turned Off

Setback for Assange in UK Trial Over US Effort to Extradite Wikileaks Founder

A Taste of Panic: the Taliban Continue Its Advance

How a Black Lives Matter Leader Started a ‘Freedom School’ Summer Program for Kids

Santa Claus and Stolen Elections

Two Years After the Largest Workplace Raid in U.S. History, a Path Forward for Undocumented Workers

Call in the Khaki: the Australian Defense Force and COVID-19

My Extreme World

Conservation Groups Stop Massive “Poison and Plant” Project on the North Fork of the Blackfoot River in Scapegoat Wilderness Area

Robert Hunziker on the Climate Apocalypse Now

India’s New IT Rules Paving Way for Legitimised Surveillance