“Indeed, I tremble for my country
when I reflect that God is just:
that his justice cannot sleep forever.”
— Thomas Jefferson,
unrepentant slaveowner, in 1781,
80 years later came the Civil War.
May 2021:
In Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem,
Israeli mobs shielded by Israeli soldiers
expropriate Palestinian homes:
more living room for Greater Israel.
Israeli airplanes, unopposed,
bomb Gaza
84 years after Guernica,
retaliating for Palestine’s right to exist:
infants, children, women, men die,
civilians all:
blown up,
buried in the rubble of their homes,
bleeding away in hospitals
denied pandemic vaccines:
all eyed hungrily by bulldozer blades
eager to raze
more living room for Greater Israel.
does America’s largess to Zionism
clear out another Western Expansion
to echoes of Crazy Horse:
“My lands are where my people lie buried”;
raining hellfire on infidels to White Supremacy.
USS Liberty continues to sink:
the Associated Press Building is bombed;
Americans, too, like Abraham of yore,
must be willing to offer blood sacrifices
on the altar of Biblical Glory:
more living room for Greater Israel.
The Conquest continues
because empty souls with blank hearts
cling to tribal hate with loaded guns.
When will “God’s justice” rain down on us
in retribution for our lush sponsorship
of Zionist war crimes?
We have forgotten Nuremberg,
and “never again,”
only 76 years ago:
so I tremble for my country.
May 2021:
These are our crimes: tremble.