Looting — Wikipedia: “Looting, also referred to as sacking, ransacking, plundering, despoiling… and pillaging, is indiscriminate taking of goods by force as part of a … political victory…”
Donald Trump is the looter in chief.
Trump has tried to loot the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve for oil and gas.
Trump has tried to loot the Tongas National Forest for logs.
Trump has tried to loot the Bears Ears and Grand Escalante national Monuments for oil and gas drilling and mining.
Trump has tried to loot the Clean Water Act by gutting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency budget to benefit corporate looters.
Trump has tried to loot the Clean Air Act by lowering auto emissions standards.
Trump has tried to transport Canadian tar sands oil through the Keystone XL pipeline, looting not only the lands of Native peoples, but essential agricultural land, protected waterways, animal and bird habitats, and causing major greenhouse gas emissions.
Donald Trump is the looter in chief.
Marilyn Bruya lives in Missoula, Montana.