December 2019


From London to Beirut, From Santiago to New Delhi: Protesters Need to Build Solidarity Networks.

Pride Goeth Before the Fall

When You Follow the Gun Trail, You Can End Up in Expected Places

Money, Power and Turf: Winning the Middle East Media War at Any Cost

How Working Class Atomization and the Mohawk Valley Formula Gave Us Centrist Democrats

Goat Grazing is No Solution to Wildfires

No Israeli Peace, Joy or Goodwill at Christmastime for Palestinians

A Boss is a Boss: Nurses Battle for Their First Union Contract at Albany Medical Center

Renouncing Israel on Principle

How Does One of the Most Hated Industries Stay Profitable?

We Can’t Do It Ourselves

Zealots in High Office

The U.S. Government Lied about the Afghanistan War, They Couldn’t Have Done It Without Media Lapdogs

Most Americans Support Phasing-Out Fossil Fuels…Isn’t That Worth a Headline?

Congress: The Snail’s Pace Race

Sure, Impeach Trump, But Let’s be Honest

Modern Family Progressivism

Julian Assange, Thanks for Warning Japanese About Washington

Interference Paranoia: Russia, Reddit and the British Election

How Africa Could Power a Green Revolution

Who Will Protect Us From an Unpatriotic Patriot Act?

Australia’s Big Smoke

Ideology or Popularity: How Will Britain Vote?

Homogenizing India: the Citizenship Debate

Why the Afghanistan Papers Are an Eerie Reminder of Vietnam

Climate Talks in Madrid: What Will It Take to Prevent Climate Collapse?

Trump vs. Democracy

Was Trump Looking for Corruption or a Personal Favor?

Citizens Are Never Trusted

Soldiers Who Fight War

Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics

Self-Defense in the Civil Rights Movement: the Lessons of Birmingham, 1963

Willingness to Compromise Puts Wilderness at Risk

What’s the Matter With America?

A Troubled Family: NATO Turns 70

American Culture Loves a Good Killer

The Demonization of Jeremy Corbyn

Afghanistan: a Pentagon Paradise Built on Lies

Where Justice is a Game: Impeachment Hearings Redux

Polish Minister of Health Proposes Carcinogenic 5G Emission Levels as National Norm

Meet Virgil Griffith: America’s Newest Political Prisoner

Sri Lanka Continues Its Delicate Dance With India

The Grizzly Cost of Coexistence

Hitting at Cuban Doctors and at Human Solidarity

Political Collapse: The Center Cannot Hold

How the New Right Went Global — and How to Stop It

Meet the Controversial Actor and Businessman Standing Up Against Egypt’s el-Sisi

Envisioning a United World

Premature Democratic Socialists: Reasons for Hope and Change