Statement Condemning US Removal of Democratically-Elected Evo Morales

Following months of destabilization, on November 10, 2019, the legitimate, constitutional, democratically-elected President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, was driven at gunpoint out of office and the country by the US and its allies, among them Bolivian fascists and several members of the Organization of American States (OAS), including Canada. This latest aggression follows centuries of colonial, imperialist, and neo-colonial conquest and plunder of the Indigenous-majority population of Bolivia.

We the undersigned, in horror and rage, state as fact that this coup d’état was concocted in the White House of Donald J. Trump and is the handiwork of the CIA and its fascist and racist clients and proxies.

This regime change is in flagrant violation of Bolivian law, US law, and international law, flouting ratified conventions and treaties respecting the right to national sovereignty and forbidding aggression as well as national laws prohibiting theft, extortion, assault, torture, kidnapping, and murder.

Against the shamefully equivocating and deviously complicit statements of pseudo-lefts whose open letters have been published in the past few days, we state as fact that Evo Morales is the President of Bolivia and that his current term ends in January on the day that the fourth presidential term to which he has been lawfully elected by a landslide begins. We reject the presumptuous attempts by North American liberal academics to grant amnesty to the murderers of other people’s children and to legitimize and reward the junta and its sponsors in Washington. We are disgusted by the pressure and blackmail these parties deploy to attempt to force the elected government of Bolivia to negotiate with these fascist assassins and terrorists. They belong in prison, not government.

We demand the immediate restoration of the President, his administration, and the whole elected government of the Movement for Socialism–Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the Peoples (MAS). We demand the arrest and prosecution of the protagonists of the coup and the violent crimes that constituted and followed it. We insist that it is the minimal duty of the US Congress to conduct an investigation to expose and gather evidence against US government officials and other citizens and residents of the US involved.

We denounce the perpetrators of this coup and the bloodbath that has followed, including Donald J. Trump and Jeanine Áñez Chávez, as criminals, and their apologists, a list of many of whose names can be found in the signatories columns of those two letters (here and here), as their accessories.

We offer all our solidarity and admiration to the courageously resisting working class of Bolivia.

Viva MAS. Viva Evo Morales. Down with Empire and its henchmen and shills.

We Demand:

— That Evo Morales, the legitimate and democratically-elected President of Bolivia, be restored immediately;

— That officials of the junta purporting to be the de facto government of Bolivia, including and especially Jeanine Áñez Chávez, must be prosecuted and punished for the killings, assaults, and other crimes committed by them directly and under their authority;

— That all political prisoners, including MAS officials and cadre, must be released immediately;

— That no attempt to indict or prosecute Evo Morales will be or can be tolerated;

— That all officials at the state and local level dismissed by the Áñez junta must immediately be restored to office;

— That the results of the Oct 20 elections be acknowledged as valid, free, and democratic by the US government and the UNSC; no additional elections are necessary and none must be tolerated;

— That the involvement of the US government and its agencies in initiating and steering the coup must be investigated by Congress and appropriate indictments issued;

— That any diplomatic, financial, or legislative actions carried out by or under the junta are null and void.


Nyusha Samiei – Windsor, Canada
Jacob Levich – NYC
Molly Klein, NYC
Jeremiah Aviles – NYC, USA
Walter Glass – NYC
Karen MacRae, Toronto, Canada
Sean Earner – VA, USA
Gabriel Concepcion – NYC, USA
Michael Petrucelli- Reading, USA
Anatole David, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Nino Pagliccia, Vancouver BC
Vladimir Suchan, OH, USA
Emaad Maqbool, Windsor
Damek Mitchell, KY
Thomas Sullivan, Michigan, US
Lemis Yousif, Virginia
Chase Detrick – OH, USA
Nahom Gebregiorgis Oakland California USA
Alex Egeli, NYS
Anahita Mobarhan, IL, USA
Eric Proulx, Vancouver BC
Bruce Leidl – Montreal, Canada
Felix Lopez – TX, USA
Jamaal White, Arcata USA
Alex Munger – GA, USA
Naji Chalhoub, Lebanon
Michael Overall – Ohio, USA
Josh Lamers, ON Canada
David Jennings, State of Georgia USA
Luciana Bohne, USA/Italy
Princess Doe, Windsor, Ontario
Julie Collins, Pittsburgh, PA
Zechari Scott, NYC
Stephen Shanahan, NYC
M Lewis, UK
Shane Priestley, Australia
Thaddeus Timbrooks, Phoenix USA
Riley Fitzpatrick, Dublin, Ireland
Jordan Giles, USA
Jose Rios, California USA
Rachael Curran, Kansas City MO
Susan Shpak, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A.
Rozhin Emadi- Vancouver BC
Jacob Taylor, CA USA
Daniel Mendoza, Vancouver
Nick Kalivoda, Iceland
Elena B, USA
Roger Baker, Fort Worth, Tx
Susan Campbell, N. Vancouver BC
Khaled Barakat, Vancouver, Canada
Travis White, Idaho, USA
Beowulf Bertrand, Mtl
Spencer Latu, Vancouver BC
Andrew Kahn, Flushing, NYC, NY, USA
Paul Kutzer – USA
Quinn Mattern Jamestown NY
Rose Margatroid, MA
Steve Bradley – USA
Alexandra McMichael, ON Canada
Patricia Heard NH USA
R Fearnley – ON, Canada
Paddy Keggs NY, USA
Aiyanas Ormond, Vancouver BC
Wesley Marsen, Maple Ridge, Canada
Mosa Mathebula, North West Province, South Africa
Adam Mayers, Canberra
Victor, Bahia – Brazil
Soumya Rao, India
Scott Pattison Marshalltown, Iowa
Prince Valiant, New York
Eviatar Bach, Hyattsville, MD, USA
J. Ali, Nashville, TN
Oscar Espinosa, Oregon, USA
Jacob Beauregard
Daniel Rodriguez – Texas, USA
Jon Stern, London UK
Frank Mello, Berlin
Amin Karaji, USA
Tristin Greyeyes – Vancouver B.C.
Chris R. – USA
R. Henry Morris, Pittsburgh, PA
PJ Allen, United States
John Steppling, Trondelag, Norway
Wolfy, WA
Leigh May, Australia
Pardis Pasdar, Tehran
P. Vargas, PR, Brazil
Brad Blankenship, Prague, Czech Republic
M Dinsdale UK
Rojeh Jahani, Coquitlam BC
Robbie Dietterich, Philadelphia, PA
S. Moodley, S. Africa
Michael James – NC, USA
Steven Salaita, USA
Chris Ashton US
Alexander Stopar, IL, USA
Samlau Kutana, MA USA
Soraya, Toronto, Canada
Doug Yearwood, Ottawa, ON, Canada
N. MH Toronto, ON
Eli Caffets, RJ – Brasil
Christopher Black, Ontario, Canada
Halina Kruk
Blair Kuntz – Toronto ON
Brian Dutz Tucson AZ, USA
Rachel Owen, USA
Ted Curran, Michigan, USA
Cosmo Pappas, MI, USA
P. Katounis, Greece
Eli Gordillo, OR, USA
Oscar Campbell – Halifax, Canada
Babatunde Williams, DC USA
Kay G – Florida , USA
Siddharth N, USA
Alexander Mueller Crespin, Kamloops BC
Dylan Skorish, FL
Layba Zaman NY, USA
Rita Brooks, Toronto, ON
Layba Zaman, NY USA
Oscar Espinosa, Oregon, USA
Alex McLean, Portland OR
Daniel Hsu CA,USA
David L Charlton, York UK
Jarrod Dean, London
Steven Phinney, NS Canada
John Gallant,Kingston Ontario
Zkiah Masri, Canada
Yves Engler, Montreal
Chad Pirtle – Atlanta, USA
H. Ahmed, Michigan, USA
Cody Bryan, OK USA
Derek Preston, KY USA
Johnny E. Williams, USA
Terran Gore, Vancouver, BC
Jabril Shank, NC
Haydn DePriest; Houston, TX
Henry Murphy, Halifax NS, Canada
Alexis Andres, Edmonton AB, Canada
Cory Morningstar, Canada
Glen Gatin, Brandon Manitoba, Canada
M. Arakelyan, CA, USA
Patrick Patterson, Ipswich Massachusetts
Srećko Vojvodić, Toronto, ON, Canada
Lise Ma, CH
Dee Drake, Stockholm, Sweden
Dina Gilio-Whitaker, California, USA
Russ Diabo, Innisfil, Ontario CANADA
David Barkham South Africa
Thohahente, Cobourg ON
Sarah Chaves, Toronto
Wolastoqewi-Grand Chief spasaqsit possesom
Ron Tremblay
Adam Saulnier – British Columbia
Semhar Gebregiorgis, USA
Kamil Azhar; California, USA
TB Turner, CA, USA
Jean Arnold, New Brunswick
William Belcher, Greensboro, NC
Sean Brandt, NC, USA
Uthkarsh Dev, India
Jamie Johnson, Hebden Bridge, England
Peter Alen. Laxou, France
Wendy Davis CO, USA
Martin Donovan, Canada
Jacqueline Silviria – The Last King of the Jungle
Theodore Hornbacher Chicago, IL, USA
Ariel Paz – Argentina
Dominique Jones, Fort Worth, TX
Genevieve Coleman, Canada
Mariano Pinto, Los Angeles CA
Pete Morris, London
Jean Allan, Honduras
Richard Allison, York, PA, USA
Jonathan Nack, Oakland, CA
Joanna Perry Folino. Berkeley California
Dennis Riches, Tokyo
Azhar Moideen, India
Neil Flanders, VT USA
Mary Stowe, Vermont, USA
Andrea Klein, Hamburg ,Germany
Bjornn Elisson , Sweden
Joan Hyde, Thunder Bay Canada
Miguel Pereira Portugal
Jenny Wright, Cookeville Tn
Mo Oyelola, London
David Allain, Bracknell, UK
Scott Wardinsky USA
Sabi Karlsson , Varberg, Sweden
Justin Minckley. Berwyn, IL
Bryan McNaughton, Niagara, Ontario, Canada
Darragh McCausland, Dublin
Troy Peterson – Canada
Zoé de Boucherville-Dickson, Canada
Sarah Dawson Ireland
Nigel Rolland, Galiciaa
Aleksandar Jokic
David Ferreira, USA
Garadun Truesdale, Quebec, Canada
Don Flatt, New Brunswick
Johanna Harman, California, USA
Brenda M Barnard England
Laura Oochoo (Nikanikewetinopinehsi )
Geir Olsen , Oslo Norway
Sheila Hayworth Madrid
Alistair Rose, Brazil
Ken Lywood, Nova Scotia, Canada

You can add your signature here.

Declaración condenando la expulsión del Presidente democráticamente elegido Evo Morales

Después de meses de desestabilización, el 10 de noviembre 2019, el Presidente legítimo, constitucional y democráticamente elegido de Bolivia, Evo Morales, estuvo expulsado del puesto y del país a punta de rifle por los EEUU y sus aliados, entre ellos fascistas bolivianos y varios miembros de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), incluyendo Canadá. Esta última agresión sigue detrás de siglos de conquista y saqueo colonial, imperial y neo-colonial de la población principalmente indígena de Bolivia.

Nosotros los firmantes, con ira y horror, declaramos como hecho establecido que este golpe de estado fue elaborado por la Casa Blanca de Donald J. Trump y es la obra de la CIA y sus clientes y diputados fascistas y racistas.

Este cambio de régimen sucede en violación directa de la ley boliviana, la ley estadounidense y la ley internacional. Incumple convenciones ratificadas, tratados afirmando el derecho de soberanía nacional y prohibiendo agresión, y leyes contra el robo, la extorsión, el asalto, la tortura, el secuestro y el asesinato.

En contra de las declaraciones vergonzosas, equívocas, cómplices y taimadas de aquellos pseudo-izquierdistas que en los días recientes han publicado cartas abiertas, declaramos como hecho establecido que Evo Morales es el Presidente de Bolivia y que su mandato presente termina en enero de 2020, el mismo día en qué comienza el cuarto mandato presidencial a qué ha estado elegido legalmente por una victoria aplastante. Rechazamos los intentos presuntuosos de académicos liberales norteamericanos de brindar amnistía a los asesinos de los hijos de otras personas y de legitimar y recompensar a la junta y a sus financieros en Washington. Somos indignados por la presión y el chantaje de estos actores que intentan exigir al gobierno elegido de Bolivia a negociar con estos asesinos fascistas y terroristas. Deben estar en prisión, no en poder.

Demandamos la restauración inmediata del Presidente, su administración, y todo el gobierno elegido del Movimiento al Socialismo-Instrumento Político por la Soberanía de los Pueblos (MAS). Demandamos la detención y enjuiciamiento de los protagonistas del golpe y de la violencia que lo constituyó y lo siguió. Insistimos que es el deber mínimo del Congreso de los EEUU conducir una investigación para desenmascarar y coleccionar evidencia contra todos los oficiales, ciudadanos y residentes estadounidenses que son involucrados.

Denunciamos como criminales los perpetradores de este golpe y de la matanza que lo ha seguido, incluso Donald J. Trump y Jeanine Áñez Chávez. Denunciamos como cómplices sus apologistas, muchos de cuyos nombres se encuentran entre las firmas debajo de esas dos cartas.

Brindamos toda nuestra solidaridad y admiración a la valiente clase obrera de Bolivia.

Viva MAS. Viva Evo Morales. Abajo el Imperio y todos sus lacayos.


— Que Evo Morales, el Presidente legítimo y democráticamente elegido de Bolivia, sea restaurado en seguida;

— Que los oficiales de la junta que pretende ser el gobierno de facto de Bolivia, incluyendo y especialmente Jeanine Áñez Chávez, sean enjuiciados y castigados por los asesinatos, asaltos, y otros crímenes cometidos por ellos directamente o bajo su autoridad;

— Que todos los presos políticos, incluyendo oficiales de MAS, sean liberados en seguida;

— Que ningún intento a procesar o enjuiciar a Evo Morales sea hecho;

— Que todos los oficiales a nivel estatal y local expulsados por la junta de Áñez sean restaurados en seguida;

— Que los resultados de las elecciones del 20 de octubre sean reconocidos por los EEUU y el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas como válidos, libres, y democráticos; ningunas elecciones adicionales son necesarias, y ninguna puede ser tolerada;

— Que la participación del gobierno estadounidense y sus agencias en la iniciación y el curso del golpe sea investigado por el Congreso y los cargos apropiados sean servidos;

— Que todas las acciones diplomáticas, financieras o legislativas emprendidas por la junta son nulas y inválidas.