August 2019

Conspiracy, Death and Jeffrey Epstein

We Should Stop Insulting Animals and Own Our Own Humanity

Roaming Charges: Small Stains on the Pavement

Diary: A People’s City

An Open Letter to Venango County Court

Wilfred Burchett, Truth-Teller

U.S. Imperialism, Iran and the Context for War

Trudeau’s Nukes

Resolving the Democrats’ Dilemma

The Sixties: De-tripping, Yeah

Blood in Our Eyes

Long After Hiroshima

Reframing the Issues and Taking Direction of the Nation

David Horowitz’s Hate Group, Civil War and the White House   

The Mexican as Endangered Species

The War on Innocence: Palestinian Children in Israeli Military Court

The US Should Never Start a Nuclear War

Trump’s New Coal Rules Will Bury Rural America

Mass-Shootings as Expressions of U.S. Racism


The Green New Deal Must Go Global

Remembering Ted Hall and Klaus Fuchs

Big Pharma: Gouges, Casualties, and the Congressional Remedy!

The Global Lockdown

“Culture Of Violence?” You Betcha, Mr. Trump, But It’s Not The Video Games

Climate Crisis Means the Ruling Class has Failed. Can the Working Class Inherit the Earth?

Tweeting Publicly Available Information isn’t “Shameful and Dangerous”

Democrats and the Politics of Change

Militarized Observers: Institutional Daydreams of Ethics End Runs to Weaponize Culture

Obama Does Not Rhyme With Obama

Nancy Pelosi’s Bad Attitude Toward Progressives

Atomic Bombs Are Not Lifesavers

Trump, International Man of Action

The “Trump Recovery”: Behind Right-Wing Populism’s Radical Transformation

Where Have All The Racists Gone?

Consuming the “Planet of the Humans:” The Most Important Documentary of the Century

How Real is the “Eco-Fascist” Threat?

Nothing Less Than a Revolution Can Save Us

What We Owe Homer

Hate, Murder and Perversity: El Paso 2019, Mississippi 1964

Paul Krassner: Nun Smooching In America

Orchestral Shooting

Purple Mountains “All My Happiness is Gone” – RIP David Berman

A Wretched Day for Democracy: Revocation of the Special Status of Kashmir

Visions of Peace: Dreams of a New Way

NAFTA v. New NAFTA: Making a Bad Deal Worse

Hiroshima Unlearned: Time to Tell the Truth About US Relations with Russia and Finally Ban the Bomb 

Iran on the Precipice

UNRWA Accusations: (Im)Perfect Timing

Jobs, the Environment, and a Planet in Crisis