The manifesto of the El Paso mass murderer (1) sounds very similar to what I have heard and seen other envious individuals — presuming to speak for their sub-groups of Americans — say and write, even right on my “social media” web-pages.
Their bottom line is: “all my problems are caused by other people,” and by “other” they don’t just mean ‘everybody else,’ they mean “other kinds of.” It’s all about feeling entitled without being distinctly individually meritorious; and being resentful about being “victimized” by lack of recognition and special treatment, as a form of denial about just being an ordinary person, even a mediocrity; and of pretending to have sociological insight, so as to delude oneself into feeling a sense of power, which is just a pathetic cover to keep from facing the fact of being an inconsequential nonentity within the human herd.
In real life, the measure of authentic merit and authentic success (not fame, not recognition, not wealth) is “content of character.” It is impossible for personal merit to be applied to you like millions of coats of paint, by the attention slathered on you by others: that’s just a gaudy illusion wrapping an utterly weak emptiness: you have so many of these as your media, entertainment, political and sports stars.
Integrity of character is the ultimate source of human strength, and marks the superior person as such, even if nobody else on Earth has the awareness and appreciation to notice that individual.
The world is certainly unfair, cruel, disorganized, a mess, hopeless; but so long as “it” is the “cause” of all your failures and helplessness, then you will be a failure: useless. When “you” become the source of your life’s direction, from the wellspring of an integrity of character, then regardless of how ferociously “the world” opposes your actions, and regardless of “how little” you accomplish in the superficial aspects of human affairs, you will nevertheless be a truly successful person AT BEING. And there is no greater achievement in any human life.