‘You’ve over-fed him, ma’am. You’ve raised a artificial soul and spirit in him, ma’am unbecoming a person of his condition: as the board, Mrs. Sowerberry, who are practical philosophers, will tell you. What have paupers to do with soul or spirit? It’s quite enough that we let ’em have live bodies. If you had kept the boy on gruel, ma’am, this would never have happened.’
‘Oliver Twist’, Charles Dickens
Reading this Briefing Note on ‘The Integrity Initiative’ is akin to a ‘mind of the gap’ between what passed off as ‘News’ in the Corporatist Mainstream Media and what genuine investigative journalism as serves ‘Democracy as an Alternative’ is all about; it is as to go from a Corporatist diet where ‘watered down gruel’ the norm for the masses to a veritable banquet of richly nutrient ‘culinary delight’ as would be unpermitted as unshared by private interests; with rationale as to the quote from Dickens above.
– It is as to see ‘currency’ in a new light?
For the essence of ‘Black Propaganda’ as neoliberal Corporatist expression is to feed ‘gruel’ to the masses by way of an austerity of information dissemination under manipulation and control which furthers a transfer of resources from public interests to private interests; it is as to a modus operandi of Globalisation as control and manipulation by way of homogenisation, standardisation, and denial?
In colloquial more vernacular: such cultivated austerity by way of mockingbird constitutes a large part of the ‘mushroom theory of Government’ as operated by a ruling minority euphemized as the ‘Deep State’ over a majority, i.e. ‘keep them in the dark and feet them shit‘?
‘Gruel/shit’ is for the masses as ‘paupers’ an austerity demanded under the dominance of private interests over resource distribution: any ‘Banquet’ is for the private as Corporatised interests only, and such revolutionary Democratic/Socialist sentiments as ‘Share the Wealth!’ as Huey Long once dared to explicate can lead to assassination?
The premature demise of the German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte almost a year ago, and the restriction of his best selling work work ‘Gekaufte Journalisten‘ (Bought Journalists) which details CIA influence on German media, to German publication only is also of relevance to a diet of gruel as neoliberal ‘practical philosophy’?
For it is for our own good, such the public interest, that we do not have access to such information and opinion; that we feed upon gruel?
What have the ‘Demos‘ to do with soul or spirit when it comes to neoliberal Globalisation?
Concerning the polymorphous nature of austerity and ‘assassination’ a most admirable journalistic expose of ‘black propaganda’ and the CIA is as provided by James F. Tracy here, and as contextualises ‘Operation Mockingbird’ which ‘The Integrity Initiative’ aims to develop upon at more incorporative geopolitical level?
Russian media is currently as righteously(?) hammering the theme that the ‘biggest story of the year’ is as yet being uncovered by Western Corporatist media, see here and here, and the options for response by Western Corporatist Media seem limited at present by the ‘shock and awe’ as concerns ‘black propaganda’ being exposed as much as to ‘Mockingbirds’ named – and it speaks volumes that the Corporation ‘Facebook’™ is named as a sponsor of the ‘Integrity Initiative’ as a geopolitical phenomenon? Is a further plunge in share price of Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), still reeling from ‘Cambridge Analytica’, imminent should such funding committed of ‘The Integrity Initiative’ be revealed?
As the American Journalist Claud Cockburn said so perspicaciously:
‘believe nothing until it has been officially denied’ ?
‘UKColumn’ continues to go from strength to strength as representative of genuine alternative media across the pond as Democracy and the exposure of lies and agenda as would be hidden goes this instance; these small quarters are awaiting a Media Lens alert on the failure of mainstream media to address ‘The Integrity Initiative’ (subscription to same alerts is a free service and highly recommended for those who wish other than ‘gruel’). Questions have already been raised in the UK House of Parliament by Labour MPs outraged that taxpayer money is being abused to fund black propaganda against Jeremy Corbyn, this as recorded by Hansard. As with ‘Cambridge Analytica’ which now defunct, (‘Do not rejoice’ as per Brecht indeed) ‘The Integrity Initiative’ represents but another an attempt to exploit ‘media’ towards ends of political control and manipulation originating in the UK, and as the above Briefing Note hyperlinked evidences, has similar aspirations as ‘Geopolitical’ such the ‘bitch in heat’.
To those who would view the UK as but ‘Airstrip One’ sense of Orwell and as to a lack of neoliberal leadership sense of Globalisation, other than as to contemplation of the ‘Cambridge Analytica’ debacle the excellent video ‘The Spider’s Web’ merits consideration? Also, a reading of ‘Treasure Islands’ by Nicolas Shaxson provides an eminent explication of the ‘practical philosophy’ of gruel as relevant to an ontology of the ‘payroll of mockingbirds’ and ‘cluster’ so commensurate?
Austerity is founded upon such refusal to share the wealth – there being more than enough to go around as there always has been?
The sad fact is that ‘Globalisation’ represents no more than an ascendance of private interests by way of an expropriation and arrogation such the control and issue of currency indeed?
The tragedy is that so many are dying as prematurely under such nectrotrophy as a syndrome of pathology – and this includes alas a ‘biodiversity’ which cannot survive, let alone subsist, on such ‘gruel’ as polymorphous?
For the ‘Integrity Initiative’ exists as to a ‘practical philosophy’ which would rationalise a ‘divide et impera‘ as much as deploy the illicit proceeds of a necrotrophy which would be unrecognised such the ‘darkness’ as of ‘Thanatos‘ and as to a takeover as would be silent; it is as to a mocking of any ‘alternative’ to point of a practical philosophy as towards the attainment of a ‘panopticon’ whereby diversity denied such the ‘line’ as exists to be followed; it is indeed, such the transfer of resources it represents, but a diet of gruel necessitated for so many?
To listen to a chorus of mockingbirds is to listen to a war against soul or spirit such the ‘cacophony’ co-ordinated Corporate; it is to hear a payroll of the separation from soul or sprit as diverse by way of talking heads as much to ‘what does it profit a man’ and such the reward contingent; it is to become aware of a necrotrophy as polymorphous as extrapolated upon the cruel contingency of control and issue of currency permitted to ‘private interests’, it is to realize as to some parallel of Shakespeare that ‘all the World a Stage’ and – that such can be relegated/degenerated as to a’ practical philosophy’ as much as to the ‘production value’; it is to apperceive the death of Democracy as diversity; it is to see ‘Life’ reduced as under orificial contingency as to a ‘friction of the finitude’ whereby a small dominant minority as ‘Oligarchic Collective’ would promote ‘There is no Alternative!’ (TINA) as an austere abrogation as by way of organic droids willing to say what it takes while posing as part of the ‘Demos’ ?
One can listen to such a chorus of gruel here such ‘The Horror, the Horror’. It remains to be hoped that ‘The Integrity Initiative’ will represent a ‘bridge too far’ by way of exposure – and as to austerity as gruel seen for what it is – and why it is?
The real ‘Integrity Initiative’ as under such scheme remains the mocking of Life by way of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics displacing Man, such the apotheosis of resource transfer as Globalisation entails?