November 2018

The Ultimate General Strike: a Revolution of Failures

Taxing the Digital Giants

The Troika of Tyranny: The Imperialist Project in Latin America and Its Epigones

Peterloo and the Realist Tradition

Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty Could Become Law Next Year

Tax Reform: Down with the ‘Stepped-Up Basis’

When It Comes to Short-Term Economic Results, Momentum Matters More than Presidents

Burning Sagebrush Will Not Save Endangered Grouse

Electoral Fetishism

No More Whitewashing Hate

My Childhood Experience of Polio Taught Me an Important Lesson About the Effects of Migration on Healthcare

Selfiecides: the Gladiators of the Digital Age?

The Global Economy and Political Murder: Why Trudeau Won’t Stop Arms Sales to Saudis

Islam Promises Redemption, Growth, and Deliverance: Acquittal of Asia Bibi

The Bitter Tears of Portland Stone

US-British Threats Against Russia Have a Long History

Why Iran Needs a War Economy

Is Peace at Hand in Afghanistan?

Pablo’s Ghost

How the World Sees the Caravan

The Hot Hatchet in My Father’s Chest

Rahm Street

Don’t be Flattered, Fooled and Flummoxed in Todays’s Election

The Rogues’ Gallery

Che Guevara and Cuba’s Battle of Ideas

Trump Following the Hungarian Model in Demonizing Refugees and Jews

Socialism and the Ballot

The Power That Must be Resisted

It’s Brillig in America

The Rewilding of Humanity?

Hate Speech at Homeland Security

This Too Shall Pass: “Birthright Citizenship” Kerfuffle is Mostly a Get Out The Vote Tactic

Scaremongering is the Only Thing Trump and Republicans Have Got

The Violence Today: It’s Not Just “Hate”

Why I’m Not Voting

End the Need for Nursing “Short Cuts”

Poll Forecast: Slight GOP Edge in House for Midterms Could Be Overcome by People of Color and Progressive Women Candidates

On Eve of Election, the Washington Post Keeps Hogan Out of UMD Scandal

Lives that Matter?

The Real White Man’s Burden

Democrats: Headline “America Needs a Raise” Now Before Elections

Sarah Chayes on Kleptocracy in America

Israel as Irony

Barack Obama’s Great Tower of Nothing: Gentrification on a Presidential Level

The Significance of the Tet Offensive

Mary Shelley: the 200th Anniversary of a Rebel Girl and Her Creature

Is Erdogan Like Malcolm X?

14th Amendment Nullification Threatens the Core of Citizenship

The Trump Syndrome in Brazil and Elsewhere

What is to be Done? Looking Past Trump’s Tyranny