In the current “climate”, pun, barb, hurricane, wildfire references intended; the social atmosphere has degraded almost faster than any other aspect of our culture. The incivility, rudeness, and complete degradation of all values are almost complete. Read your local paper (a great idea btw, subscribe now, promote journalism on all levels), watch any newscast, even the dreaded F News is beginning to show signs of an actual pulse and nerve synapses, and you will quickly understand that we are, indeed, in a crisis. And more than a crises of all of the standard political and tweet-worthy type of issues, we are in a cultural deficit of a moral crises so deep, so infectious, so lethal, that we don’t even see it coming directly at us.
The 24 hour news cycle has become a 24 minute news cycle; the amount of crap thrust at our brains is too much to concentrate on for more than a minute and that, exactly that, is the plan. Bombard us with non-fact, fiction, alternative facts, and we will simply forget what the last destructive infraction of the norms…. yesterday…actually was. And it works.
We are numb, besieged, over-stimulated, and just…plain…worn out.
But make no mistake. The onslaught is continuing, pervasive, coordinated, and as evil-intended as anything any of us has witnessed in our lifetime, or anyone in any lifetime. History counts. Precedent counts. Intent counts. Results count. And really, in the end……votes count. Need I remind you of the next step?
In the meantime, we have a privileged, wealthy, altered-beauty version of the current White House resident who, by the administration’s own definition, is a Senior Advisor to the President. Oh, and her husband, the Observant Jew, Jared Kushner, whom she converted to Judaism in order to marry, and who by the President’s dictate, is responsible for Peace in the Middle east among his many, Many titles, and who has suddenly gone Dark.
Are they still working, pro-bono, for our collective largesse? Are they still benefitting from Secret Service protection at our expense? Are their children? How much are we spending to support and supplant the normative in order to create a new norm? They were front and center during the campaign trying to normalize their collective family dysfunction. That dysfunction has been played out in pornographic Technicolor texts ever since.
It is time to hold them to a higher power.
If they hold God as their standard-bearer then they need to stalwartly, proudly, and un-equivalently, stand by the principals of the religion they hold out as their family values predicate.
And so, where is their Rabbi? Who can she/he be? This amorphous entity that ostensibly advises them, as a family, about the values and principles upon which their Judaism is based? Oddly silent is this rabbinical cohort to the crimes of the moralistically challenged flock that they oversee.
So I call on the populace at large, regardless of your affiliation, to call out to the tenets of this First Couple, who profess their Religion as their guidepost, to step up to the altar of truth. Defend the people you are Rabbinically required to support. Take a moral stand. Repudiate the stench that the rest of your family espouses.
Stand up. Be Human.
Listen to your Rabbi; I doubt they agree with your current positions. Will your children?