From: Raouf Halaby
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 4:24:13 PM
To: kbalsam
Subject: Support for Professor Ford
Dear Professor Balsam:
Please relay my sincere best wishes and full support for Professor Ford as she faces “the world” in the coming days, weeks, months, and years.
She has exhibited unique courage and exemplary moral fortitude. In the event a fund raiser is established to help with any legal fees, please let me know. I would gladly send a donation.
My very best to you and the department you chair.
Raouf J. Halaby
Professor Emeritus
Shortly after hitting the send button, the networks reported that death threats on Dr. Ford and her family were made; the Ford family has had to move out of their home. To the best of my knowledge, no such threats have been reported against Brett Kavanaugh and his family.
Abhorrent does not even begin to describe these ghoulish and diabolical attacks and threats.
Has this country tumbled into medieval and barbaric tribalism?
Thanks to Donald Trump’s rhetoric of xenophobic hate, self-serving policies, disregard for the rule of law and the truth, and his predatory, misogynous behavior, lies, and braggadocio, the nation has slithered into a Last Days of the American Empire nativist thinking.
Only time will tell whether Professor Ford was “betrayed by the Democratic party” – as Republican politicians, political hacks, and the rabid partisan pundits are charging. And, while Brett Kavanaugh is hailed by these same characters as a virtuous and saintly judge, Professor Ford has been vilified. Orin Hatch charged that “she is mixed up.” Others opined that Professor Ford’s claim is flawed because of memory problems. Donald Trump cast Judge K as a victim, and insinuated that this was a politically motivated plot (“I feel so badly for him. … This is not a man that deserves this. He is an extraordinary man” for whom he felt “terribly … for his wife and beautiful young daughters.”) The inference, of course, is that Christine Blase Ford is not as trustworthy and truthful person, nor is she deserving of a fair hearing. And no sympathy for the death threats against her and her family, either.
In a world run and controlled by men and in a forum controlled by sexist, partisan, seasoned, senior citizens who’ll dismiss Professor Ford’s accusation because, come what may, they’re going to ramrod their man to a bench on the Supreme Court, Professor Ford (unfortunately) does not stand to have a fair hearing. And, in spite of all the phony blather and contrived politeness about giving her the opportunity to present her case in any number of venues, the deck is stacked against her.
The hearing, should it occur this coming Monday, has been set up as a Sword of Damocles for Professor Ford (sans the allusion to the moral parable on flattery) by Grassley and his politically corrupt cohorts. And, in spite of the niceties Grassley et al. have voiced, Professor Ford will step into a pit of vipers ready to harangue and unleash their prosecutorial Machiavellian machinations, skills honed over years of political maneuvering and the bartering of principles to the highest bidder.
Professor Ford has taken a lie detector, has confided in, and sought help to work through her trauma. Unfortunately and as of the time of this writing, these evidential facts will not be allowed – should Professor Ford appear for the hearing.
If, indeed, Judge K is innocent, he should not fear a thorough FBI investigation – even if the alleged incident occurred nigh unto 30 years ago. To leave the matter to a he said she said verdict is unconscionable. In fact, Not only should Judge K welcome a full investigation, but he should also demand to have a lie detector administered by the FBI. Otherwise, that same Sword of Damocles (with full Ciceronian context) will hang over his head for the rest of his life.
This is a new world ruled by mangy leadership in the Executive and Legislative branches. Americans should guard against allowing this disease to creep into the Judicial branch.
My full support for Dr. Christine Blaise Ford and her family as she walks this ghastly gauntlet orchestrated by politicians bent on leading us on a hideous path.
Marcus Aurelius wrote the following: “Be like the cliff against which the waves continually break; but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it.”