Walking from the train station in Gijon, Spain to my hostel with Barbara Briggs-Letson, Marny Kittredge and Keith Meyer and we came across this painting. There was a lot of support in Gijon.
Marny “Kit” Kittredge on the left, Barbara Briggs-Letson and myself stand with one of the paintings.
My FB Livestream arriving in Gijon and the dock of the Flotilla,
Short Livestream before losing signal,, with Ron Rousseau, crew member,
A group who came to the port to support the Flotilla from CCOO union Trade union.
Livestream of port and dock
Zohar Chamberlain- Regev, Liliana Córdova Kaczerginski and Javier Arjona speak at our first event in Gijon, Spain Zohar Chamberlain Regev is an Israeli citizen (born and raised in Kibbutz Kfar Hahoresh, near Nazareth) who has lived in Spain for the last 14 years, and has participated in the coordination of Rumbo a Gaza, the Spanish component of the Freedom Flotilla, since 2012. Zohar is the owner of the Women’s Boat to Gaza Zaytouna-Oliva, seized in 2016 and still the object of court proceedings in Israel. Currently, she represents Rumbo a Gaza in “Right to a Just Future for Palestine” Steering Committee and is the Flotilla’s boat leader on board Al Awda (The Return). QUOTE: “As a human being first of all, but also as an Israeli of Jewish origin, I am appalled by what is being done by Israel in Palestine in general and in Gaza in particular. We have always been told ‘how could the world be silent during the Holocaust’, now we know how…we have to stand by our Palestinian sisters and brothers in Gaza to save our own humanity. As an amputee, I can only begin to imagine what it is like for people in Gaza who have lost their limbs in the brutal attacks and are still waiting to be fitted with prosthetic limbs, as one of the many consequences of the illegal Israeli blockade.”
Ground Crew assisting at ports of the Flotilla is Keith Meyer, also crew member Ron Badger Rousseau, from indigenous Canada
Divina Levrini, from Sweden and on board the Freedom sailboat to Gaza speaking at the Gijon event. Also on board the Freedom sailboat, Youssef Sammour sitting, Palestinian lives in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Also from Gaza City, living in The Hague, Netherlands, Awni Farhat speaking with Zohar
Musa Amer Odeh, Mision Diplomatica de Palestina en Espana speaking at my first event in Gijon, Spain.
Charlie Andreasson (Sweden) First mate and captain on the Al Awda, who has been sailing since mid May. Also Bullit D Bourbon crew member.
Meeting this morning June 14, in Castrillon (piedras blancas) with city council members on how to help the people in Gaza and and end the Israeli blockade. Mr Gomez on the left, Ms Estevez center with glasses. Zohar Chamberlain- Regev next to Karin DeVito from Canada sailing on the Freedom sailboat. Muaz Rusian (Malaysia) to my right.
Meeting after on June 14th with the Mayor of Aviles, Mariví Monteserín (center) on gaining support for Palestine with Captain of the Freedom Sailboat from Sweden, Jena Marklund with the Hrimfare and Zohar Chamberlain Regev.
Shot of the Kitchen on the AlAwda
The Dining area
My bunk on the top right
Where I slept. Was very comfortable while docked 🙂
Pictures from children in Gaza on the blockade
Flushing toilet. Hold on pretty tight!
Salt water shower. There were showers and laundry at ports for free which most participants and crew used.
Ran with fresh water where crew and participants brushed their teeth.
Captains quarters on the Al awda
Land Crew Keith Meyer and Barbara Briggs- Leston doing the boats laundry at port in Gijon
Port in Gijon
Rally and march around Gijon, Spain
Mark Mizzen and Lyn Hurst on the left from Leicster UK & District Trades union Council in support of Palestine.
Barbara Briggs Letson who I went to Cairo with in 2014 for International Women’s Day with what was supposed to be with 100 peace delegates from around the world who were, instead, detained and deported except for 2 handfuls of us who made it into Cairo. Rafah border closed,, surprise
Musa Amer Odeh of Mision Diplomatica de Palestina en Espana.
Musical event put on by the resident of Gijon for the members of the Flotilla to show their support.
Members of Parliament in Gijon visit the Flotilla, Neoklis Sylikiotis and Angela Vallina who did a leg with me from Gijon to Cascais/Lisbon Portugal.
Ready to depart Gijon for Lisbon/Cascais Portugal
Ron Badger Rousseau
Thank you to all the supporters in Gijon!
The FREEDOM sailboat departing Gijon, Spain
Barbara Briggs- Leston, Marny “Kit” Kittredge and Kieth Meyer, land support bidding us adue til Cascais/Lisbon Portugal.
Victor Ba of Sweden the Vegetarian chef on board the Freedom helping out on the Al Awda
Lasse Vestergren Asthøy from Oslo Norway, the chef on the Al Awda preparing our first meal at sea.
Live stream of departure,