Two years ago I decided to try to do something which I had long ago decided was a foolish thing to do and which I had, up until 2016, sworn to actively oppose in an effort to cling to a small semblance of integrity between my desires for justice, equality, a healthy environment, and the ending of imperialist warmongering. The mistake I made two years ago was to participate in the Democrat’s primary voting.
Previous to the spring of 2016, I was totally convinced that any vote for anyone who called themselves a democrat or a republican was a vote for continuing and expanding the worst kinds of devious, delusional, corporatized, militaristic, toxic predatory lying and obfuscation. I had been certain that anyone who was willing to run as a a democrat or republican was a person who would sell their relatives into corporate slavery and worse (I also believed that the same could be said of anyone who called themselves a libertarian because they share the same basic corporate monetary worshiping religion).
I arrived at a willingness to participate in the Democrat primary through several significantly related events (or non-events). One was that there was no Green Party primary in my state. If there had been a Green primary, I wouldn’t be typing these words of confession and disapproval of my actions and the actions of others. Another aspect was the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. It was becoming more and more clear that the Democratic candidacy of Bernie Sanders was not welcome within the Democrat’s corrupt control centers. The Democrat disapproval of Sanders made him seem more appealing than he should have been to me.
It was not that I had any confidence in Sanders. I foolishly thought that my little vote of endorsement in the primary might help force the lousy democrats to have to come face to face with their own smarmy predatory reality. My desire for the collapse of the “Democrat establishment” and the republican version of the same led me to fall into their kind of triangulating strategy wherein I briefly abandoned my integrity (such as it was) and I tried to use a Democrat candidate against his own parties. This stupidity on my part has now become a source of personal embarrassment and irritation and some anger at myself.
As that primary season went along and as more and more people started to believe that Sanders was “the real thing,” it gradually became more and more obvious that Sanders was instead an establishment democrat who repeatedly withheld his own chances to highlight the very clear examples of Clintonian obfuscating corruption which Sanders supposedly was opposing. By the end of that season full of blatant examples of Clintonian driven malfeasance, Sanders, like a good insider, insisted that there was no choice beyond the predatory lies of Clinton and Trump. The claim that Sanders is an “independent” is the greatest lie ever used by an establishment party member. This misrepresentation even rises above the lie of “Progressive” Democrats.
Anyway, getting back to the current continuation of foolishness, I now find that I am experiencing unforeseen symptoms of my diseased association with the Democrat machinery. I am getting mail from the Democrat National Committee. They have lists of desires which they want me to tell them about. Where should they focus?, What are the worst characteristics of Trump?, How can they help?, How should the Russians be controlled? How much money will I give them so that they can continue to lie to all of the suckers (my interpretation)?
Yes, these whores can infect you even with the slightest contact (My apologies to sex workers). My only contact was a single primary vote and now I am on the receiving end of their conniving and deceitful mailings.
Every time I have received democrat mailings from the state and the national members, my solitary responses is the same – “Oh, Crap!,” “Bullshit,” Fuck you assholes,” … but also know that I brought this on myself and I swear to myself that it will NOT happen again.
I doubt that I will ever be able to forgive myself or Bernie Sanders and my only compensation is that at least I never gave him or his party any money beyond what they force me to pay in taxes every year.
Here is a question for anyone and everyone who voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries, caucuses,….etc. and for those who also gave money to his campaign in 2016 – Are you receiving literature which is trying to make you think that the DNC wants your feedback and your money? I made the mistake of participating in their bogus primary and now I’m getting their cunning, deceitful mailings on a regular basis.
The DNC is a corporate owned and controlled entity. recently, there have been numerous examples of how the DNC is trying to stop the campaigns of candidates who present themselves as “progressive” democrats (even as that identity itself is delusional) by promoting the candidacy of candidates who have a militaristic history and/or who are more corporate-friendly. The inquiries by the DNC are deliberately designed to get you to buy into their brainwashing and to get you to surrender your desires for equal justice, peace, and a healthy environment, and to take your money for the benefit of warmongering corporatists. Beware.
I voted for Jill Stein in 2012 and in 2016 and I see the democrat-led attacks on Stein as more than enough proof that I was, at least, somewhat, on the path to redemption by the end of the disgusting pretense of 2016.