What if I were to describe a religion whose adherents’ requisite imperative is: love your neighbors as yourself: and in this religion’s Bible there are paradigms of altruism and selflessness; Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son on the order of his God: the Good Samaritan: Jesus Christ himself who died for humanity’s sin of believing a Superstition so transparently shallow and fraudulent. The Bible is filled chock-a-block with every human depravity, but we are to understand that this is the normal moral condition of man and serves as the rationale of necessity for the Biblical brand of Superstitionism. And then examine Abraham, the Good Samaritan and Jesus; all three eschewed personal benefit for the welfare of his fellow human being. Jesus overturned the tables of the moneylenders in the Temple and the rich in the Bible are depicted as greedy and self-involved. Why, the Rugged Individualist would cry, this Superstition goes beyond the communal: this is socialist! There are two sure but divergent twitches of response from the Reich’s viscera: Ayn Rand, in typical fashion, calls Christianity collectivistbecause it does not conform to her ignorance that greed and selfishness is a virtue. But that’s from a thinkerof the Ignorati; the average Moron of the Superstitionist persuasion must ignore what the eponymous creator of his Superstitionism said because it is Other-directed and center his life on his personal salvation and on a Nation not in harmony with biblical principles.
The Superstitionist Moron claims Christianity as the principles he lives by; he might ladle soup to the needy and distribute warm clothing, but always with an eye to the sky, that pat on the head from his Superstitionist God: my good and faithful servant.
Because it was never about brotherly love for the Masses, whom he despises: it is about him, how his many acts of charity is the apotheosis of the selfless spirit and thus he is entitled to enter Heaven and enjoy Everlasting Life. If the Self-Righteous were scheduled to inherit the earth, the Superstitionist Moron would be one of the Flock. If the core teachings of Christianity are based on what Jesus was purported to have said, then the Flock of Christo-Nazi faithful have a counter-Christianity, an Ideology that fuses the politics of Laissez-Faire and the Superstitionist antediluvian attitudes that seeks to scour the landscape of Modernity and take back the country to a Someplace, unnamed because there is no such location. This leads one to the truism that a conservative Christianis about as rare in America as a white crow. There are only Christo-Nazis.
This Ideology is dualistic, centering on the Individualist’s salvation of his ego, which needs gratification rather like a unrequited schoolboy confronting his first whore; and, secondly, the Christo-Nazi Superstitionist’s displacement of Other-directed humanism by a censorious and chastening castigation of all that is not virtuous in Modernity, excluding the Christo-Nazi speaker. From this mighty perch does the Christo-Nazi upbraid the rest of the culture, especially the Liberal who musta thought up this modernity thing. What escapes the Moron is that in his advocacy that the culture revert to the beliefs, attitudes and outlook of a sun-stunned tribe of Superstitionists twenty-one centuries ago, the Christo-Nazi is not accomplishing the moral imperatives of the Individualist, but is agitating for an antiquated and clannish Other-directed communalism. His imperative is to heilto the Moronic Orthodoxy of the Flock.
This is a bloated-up ego of the Rugged Individualist Christo-Nazi, more bumptious than Elmer Gantry, and his fellow Superstitionist, the Flock, sure of their salvation and being the typification of God-fearing real Amurricans, it is not only their entitlement, but their dutyto excoriate the Liberal who smuggled into the culture the Welfare State, abortion and phony Constitutional rights. The Liberal is alien to the culture and the Rugged Individualist is the legacy of the frontier spirit, and as such the majority of opinion in the country, or so says experts like Sarah Palin and Christo-Nazi journalist Fred Barnes; although the reality, as always, runs counter to the perceptions and the presumptions of the Moronic Orthodoxy and the agit-prop machine that generates the toxic waste. What snake oil the mountebanks are trying to sell is that Christo-Nazi valuesare the majority opinion in this country, when recently Tea Party support, a metric of the Reich, hovered between 21% and 31% of the ReThugliNazi Party.
The “worship” of the Christo-Nazis is not the God of love as practiced by Liberal Superstitionists; it is not even the God of retribution of the Old Testament: this is a Superstitionist concoction of expediency, the same Pathological Lie that empowered and maintained apartheid in South Africa and slavery, segregation and Jim Crow in the U. S. It is the same category of Pathological Lie that created Saint Adam Smith whose philosophy, ( he was a professor of ethics), they manipulate and distort until he becomes an absolutist Laissez Faire dogmatist who gives no quarter to social programs; this outlook was propagated to fight Roosevelt and the New Deal. The Pathological Lie of Christo-Nazi Superstitionism is similar; it is not so much a theological whole as it is a schematic to retain and capture parts of the society with calls to observe traditional culture and propagandizing on variations of the theme that the Liberal is alien to America.
Mark W. Jones is the author of Mr. Green Goes to Town.