January 2018

Why Trump is Right About Newspaper Libel Laws

Activist Maru Mora Villalpando on Being Targeted for Deportation

Notes From a “Shithole” Superpower

Keeper of the Flame for Wilderness: Stewart “Brandy” Brandborg

Bondage Scandal: Looking Beneath the Surface

Kafkaesque Impediments to Challenging Iran’s Theocracy

Why Senator Cardin is a Fitting Opponent for Chelsea Manning

What is a “Shithole Country” and Why is Trump So Obsessed With Haiti?

Solidarity from Central Cellblock to Guantanamo

Trump’s Sinister Plan to Kill the Iranian “Nukes” Deal

GI Coffeehouses Recalled: a Compliment From General Westmoreland

Trump Isn’t Unique

Mapache – “Cactus Flower”

Hong Kong Politics: a Never-Ending Farce

41 Hearts Beating in Guantanamo

In Targeting the Lynx, the Trump Administration Defies Facts, Law, and Science Once Again

Lesser Evil Politics in Alabama

Typewriters Still Smoking? An Interview with Underground Press Maven John McMillan

Yesterday’s ‘Shithole Countries’ Can Become Classy Places Donald, and Vice Versa

Killing Floor: the Business of Animal Slaughter

Bibi’s Son (Or Three Men in a Car)

Democrats and the End(s) of Politics

Everything Seems to Be Going South

Trump’s Comments Recall a Racist Past in Immigration Policy

The Untouchable Leader Who Stood Up to Gandhi

The Sound of Silence: Build a Soapbox and Cry Out!

“Hello, I Must Be Going”:  Is Michael Wolff’s Book Fake-Populist Trump’s Exit Strategy?

An Olympic Glimmer on the Horizon – North Korea and South Korea Stepping Down the Escalation Ladder

World War I: Crime and Punishment

Free Trade Should Benefit the People Not Corporations

What Happens at a Death Café?

The Vietnamese War: a Different Take

Why I Resigned as Ecuador’s UN Representative

The Irish At Teruel

Oprah for President, Really?

Why Progressives Should Support the Trump-Putin Efforts at Rapprochement

How Liberals Depoliticized White Supremacy

Trump’s Attack on Salvadoran Migrants

The Sad Case of Grizzly Bear Recovery and Distinct Population Segments

Bigger in Texas


Confidentially and Corporately Conning

Two Modest Proposals for Choosing Better Presidents

The Ugly Patriarchal Truth: In the US, Most Men Simply Don’t Like Women

Starting Them Young: Is Facebook Hooking Children on Social Media?

What to Worry About and What Not to Worry About

The Ideology of Pepper Spray: Force and Violence in a Can

Wormwood and a Shocking Secret of War: How Errol Morris Vindicated My Father, Wilfred Burchett

Thus Spake Oprah as the New York Times Spots UFOs Over The Comb Over Empire

Australia and the Wars of the Alliance: History and Politics