‘—–Scapegoat immigrants and minorities in order to capture the vote of whites who believe they have lost their sense of privilege.
—–Nominate the least qualified people ever to head government agencies, a kakistocracy, and brag about how wealthy they are.
—–Eliminate clean air and water controls to cater to industries and businesses that pollute and increase the suffering of people who live in environmentally compromised areas.
—–Abuse and humiliate women (because women are typically more vocal than men) and thereby act as a model for men to treat women by keeping them in their place.
—–Build a wall on the southern border of the country—ostensibly to prohibit illegals from entering the country—but, more accurately, to prevent people from fleeing the country once anarchy begins.
—–Elevate neo-Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists, providing them with an equal voice to the mainstream population for whom the former are anathema.
—–Claim moral authority and religion as foundations of your leadership, but demonstrate no morality, empathy, or humanity in any action.
—–Question systems of justice, labeling them as corrupt, broken, and unfixable, while proposing additional oversight bodies that support your narrow vision of what justice should be.
—–Defund government support for public education in order to guarantee a misinformed and ignorant electorate that can continue to be manipulated by lies and distortions.
—–Convince key party leaders to implement a supposed “tax-reform” that caters to donors and those already benefitting from an unfair tax system, describing it as helping the middle-class while, in reality, massively transferring their money to one’s friends at the top.
—–Refuse to release one’s income tax forms, while simultaneously lying that the revised tax code will have any material benefit on one’s self or family.
—–Deny everything.