August 2017

Operation CYA: Afghanistan

Colin Kaepernick and the NFL: Man vs Machine

Atomic Blonde: the Pleasure of Hardware in a Software World

Why Can’t Wheeler-Dealer Trump Cut a Deal with North Korea?  

An Interventionist Foreign Policy Blurs the Line of Demarcation Between Neoconservatives and Neoliberals

Protesting, Glorifying, and Justifying White Supremacy by the Bay

White Supremacist Support for Assad in Charlottesville (and Beyond)

The Pentagon is Poisoning Your Drinking Water

The Barcelona Attack and the Future of Spain and Catalonia

Untouchable Freedom

Goin’ Down the Road Feeling Blue

Cost Of US Empire – $1 TRILLION A Year

Abby Martin – Episode 94

1967 was Not the Summer of Love in Detroit

Bicoastal Beauty, Bicoastal Disgust

Freedom for the Speech We Hate: a Legal Guide to Your Protest Rights

Trump and the Geopolitics of Crazy

My Public School Students Read Pro-Charter Propaganda

Trump’s Defining Moments

Alinsky’s Last Passion

Media Bias Just as Threatening as President Trump

How to Win the Climate Wars: Talk About Pollution Not Global Warming

Nuclear Apocalypse: Trump and Kim Should Not Hold the World Hostage

Trump: Pakistan Must Change Immediately to Become Civilized

Nicola Sacco, Bartolomeo Vanzetti, and Mary Dyer

Korea, Afghanistan and the Never Ending War Trap

Farewell, Steve Bannon

Trump’s Articles of Impeachment: A Greatest Hits Collection

(Happy Birthday!) Howard Zinn: Terrorism, What Americans Don’t Want To Hear

Reclaim the Discourse on White Privilege

Will Nothing Rid Us of President WTF?

Total Eclipse Retrospective

Statues in Defeat: the Confederacy, Treason and History

China-Bashing is the Dangerous New Sport of US Elites

From Dublin to the Somme: How the Death of an Irish Priest Exposes the Tragedy of Brexit

Stop Suicide By Helping Big Pharma, Says Shady Suicide Prevention Group

Americans, Criminals, and Thelma & Louise

A “New Dawn” for Fascism: the Rise of the Anti-Establishment Capitalists  

Soil, Monsanto and the Agribusiness Giants: Conning the World with Snake Oil and Doughnuts

Countries Underwater: the Looming Crisis of Climate Migration

Barack Obama: What’s He Waiting For?

Amid the Tumult in Durham

Trump To Give National Monuments Up For Oil Exploitation

Italy’s Water Crisis is a Private Affair

The Streets: the Only Place Where Democracy Lives

Another Palestinian-American Deported: the Case of Rasmea Odeh

The U.S. is Fanning the Flames of Violence in Mexico

Racism: North and South

Blood and Soil: Hey Joe, Where You Goin?

Pig’s Blood Bullets: Trump’s Big Lie About the Philippines